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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Overlord II PC Game Cheats

Infinite gold:
After defeating the spider boss in Everlight Temple use the elevator to get out. Unlock the Netherworld Gate to this zone, then return and open the secret room upstairs using the Overlord switch. There are treasure chests inside this room that will give you around 1000 gold every time you visit. Warp to another gate to reset the map, then return to collect it again. Repeat as desired.

Easy magic crystals:
On the "Repair the Tower Heart" quest, after collecting the tower heart sharts and returning to Faye, go to the last sanctuary in the wasteland. In the room with the heart that is wedged in a gnome hole, position ten brown minions at the bottleneck near the netherworld portal and 5 red minions behind them, then move the heart. Gnomes will start coming out of the hole and attack you, but will run into your minions. Collect all the crystals they drop.

Easy dominance:
In order to dominate a town, you must enslave at least 50% of the town. Enslave 60 villages and kill the rest for easy dominance.

Free items:
After the assault on empire city, return to find high grade armor and weapons, and 2,000 gold.

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