All Weapons:
At the cheat menu enter: Y
Bonus Movies:
You get bonus movies by completing stages.
Bouncing Bombs Mode:
At the cheats menu enter: ZZZZZZZZ
Directors Cut Mode:
At the cheats menu enter YXZWZXYW
Explosive Mode:
At the cheats menu enter: X
Extra Chunky Mode:
At the cheats menu enter: ZZZZWXZZ
Finish Game:
At the cheats menu enter: YXYX
Gibbed Ammo Mode:
At the cheats menu enter XXXXYZXX
Gibbed Explosion Mode:
At the cheats menu enter: WZXYWZXY
Rain Of Fire Mode:
At the cheats menu enter: YYYYYYYY
Rapid Rail Mode:
At the cheats menu enter: ZYZYXXWW
Restore Health:
At the cheat menu enter: XXYWYWZ
Show cheats list:
Enter YZWZYXWX or WWXXYZYZ at the cheats menu.
Teammate Shield:
On the levels with either Tangier or Repta you can use them by walking into them to push them towards the enemies. They cannot be killed by the enemies.
Unlimited Grenades:
At the cheat menu type ZXZYXZXZ.
Unlock levels:
At the cheat menu enter: ZYXWYZXX
Wacky Deaths Mode:
At the cheats menu enter WWWWWWWW.
Walking Dead Mode:
At the cheats menu enter XXXXXXXX.
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