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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe PC Game Cheats

Wingmen are important in SWOTL so it's lucky they are easy to clone. When you have a good pilot who's flown a few missions say he's a German called HERMAN you can copy his data file to create wingmen with the same record as him. Quit to DOS and change into the SWOTL directory for example C:SWOTL and type:

copy c:swotlherman.ger c:swotlklaus.ger

You now have a pilot called Klaus with the same statistics as Herman you can do this with as many names you can think of and can have as many pilots on your hard disk as it can handle.

Follow the same procedure for American pilots except type:

copy c:swotlchuck.usa c:swotlrandy.usa

to make a copy of an ace pilot called Chuck. This can also be used to make backup copies of your pilots in case they get killed.

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