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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Shogo: Mobile Armor Division PC Game Cheats

Adjust Camera:
To change the camera angle, press "t" then type "mpcamera" then press ENTER.
Adjust Light Scape:
To change the lighting, press "t" then type "mplightscape" then press ENTER.
All Weapons and Armor:
During the game press "t" then type "mpkfa" and press ENTER.
Change Mechs:
To change your mech while playing, press T then type "mpmech" and press ENTER.
Coke Machine Trick:
When you first start the game, where you meet Admiral Akkaraju you can see people working on computers below where he is. Go down the stairs and jump on the tables. You'll find a quarter. Go back to the area where the coke machines are and insert your quarter in the machine to the right.
Display Location:
To have your position displayed, press "t" then type "mppos" and press ENTER.
Full Ammo:
During the game press "t" then type "mpammo" and press ENTER.

Full Armor:
For full armor press "t" then type "mparmor" then press ENTER.
God Mode:
For god mode press "t" during the game and type "mpgod"

Reload Weapons:
To fully reload all your weapons, press "t" then type "mptears" then press ENTER.

Restore Health:
To fully restore your health, press "t" then type "mphealth" then press ENTER.
Use a Mech in any stage:
First say "mpclip" to enable spectator mode. Then walk either into the ceiling or into the ground until it says you are dead. Restart the current level and say "mpclip" once again. You should be the mecha you chose last.
Walk Through Walls:
For clipping (walking through walls) press "t" then type "mpclip" and press ENTER.
All Weapons:
Press "t" then type mpmimimi for all weapons.

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