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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sims: Double Deluxe PC Game Cheats

Faster Money:
When using the rosebud cheat, you can get money faster without having to enter the entire code again. All you have to do is add a One (1), to the end of the extended code. (e.x. rosebud;!;!;!;!:!;!;1) You will then be told the code is incorrect, but you will still get the money. So just keep hitting enter and then clicking the OK button.

Cheat Codes:
To bring up the cheat screen, press alt+shift+c, then type in any one of these passwords:

Code - Effect:
rosebud - adds an extra $1,000
move_objects on - allows you to move all objects
cam_mode - camera toggle (cam_mode on to turn on, cam_mode off to turn off).
prepate_lot - fix required lot objects
mansion - gives you the best mansion
autonomy - intelligence (0-1,000)
interests - It'll let you change your interests and personality
music - music toggle
lot size - set lot size (number)
set_hour - set the time you want to get up (1-24)
soundevent - sound event toggle
sound - sound toggle
reload_people - total reload of animations, people, skins, and suits
move_objects off - turns off the cheat above
html - web creation toggle
water tool - you can put water around your house

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