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Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Sims: Holiday PC Game Cheats

Press Ctrl + Shift + C, then you will see an little box
where you can write, in the left corner of the screen.
Then write:
rosebud - 1000$
interests - First pick a person and then write this to
see personality and interests for the person.
water_tool - Your house becomes surrounded by water. In
other words, your house is on an island.
map_edit on - You can edit the map.
map_edit off - The edit stopps.
route_balloons on - An bubble appears on top of the
characters, and the bubbles show why they dont want to
go to work, or do as you say.
route_balloons off - The balloons dissapear.
autonomy # - Choose IQ for the sims. Write a number
between 1-100 instead of #.
set hour # - Set the clock to something between 1-24.

Fast money:
First write the "rosebud" cheat in the box. Then after
that you press Ctrl + Shift + C again and write:
!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!. If you do just !;
you get 1000$.

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