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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sims: House Party, The PC Game Cheats

Get $1000+:
Hold down Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C. Then let go. Now in the box type rosebud;1 over and over until you fill the box. Then press enter. Now hold down Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C again. This time in the box type !;!;!; over and over until you fill the box. Press enter and you will be rolling in money!

Move Objects mode:
When you have picked out your house and you have everything in it, press: ctrl + shift + c, and you should see a box at the top right hand corner of the screen, type:
Move_Objects on.
when you are done go to the build icon and click the hand. Now you can pick up or delete anything you want, such as a car, or a mailbox.

Create moat or Stream:
Hold down Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C. Then let go. Now in the box type water_tool

Caterer Catastrophe:
When you call a caterer over without a punch bowl or a table he will charge 25$ and leave. You go to Buy Mode under Miscellaneous (or something like that) and look for a gourmet table (it will look like a small table of empty punch bowl and other things and then order a caterer. When he comes he will snap his fingers and Puff! All you can eat buffet!

Great Parties:
To have great parties always include objects like the bonfire or the bubble blower. Buy entertainers in the cake and make sure you have a caterer.

You push and hold the following buttons:
Shift, control, alt, c
That will get you to the cheat screen.

also.. you can enter multiple cheats at once by typing a ; between cheats.. such as the following for money "klapaucius; !; !; !; !" etc

Now enter a code below:
KLAPAUCIUS-gives you 1000 dollars (Does not work in Version 1.1)
WATER TOOL-you can put water around your home
CAM_MODE - Camera Toggle
MUSIC - Music toggle
SOUND - Sound toggle
HTML - Web page creation toggle
SOUNDEVENT - Toggle sound event
RELOAD_PEOPLE - Total reload of skins, animations, suits, people
SET HOUR-set (1-24) what time you want to get up
SIM_LIMIT - Set max milliseconds for simulator
SETSPEED-(-1000 to +1000)
SIM_SPEED <-1000-1000> - Set sim speed
INTERESTS-it will let you change your personalitys and interests
AUTONMY-let's the sims to think on their own (0-100)
GROW GRASS-make the grass tall or short
MANSION - The Best House
BUBBLE_TWEAK - Set thought bubble z offset
ASSERT - Force assert to test
SIM_LOG END - Stop sim logging
SIM_LOG BEGIN - Start sim logging
DEBUG_SOCIAL - Show social dialogue choices
DRAW_ORIGINS - Show person's origin
DUMP_HAPPY - Send person's recent interactions to file
DUMP_MC - Send person's motive contribution curve to a file
EDIT_GRASS - Make grass change value
LOT SIZE - set lot size
EDIT CHAR - Create a character mode
DRAW_ROUTES ON - Show person's route
DRAW_ROUTES OFF -Show people's Route off
HISTORY - Save family history file
HIST_ADD - Add new family history stat to family
IMPORT - Import Family file
VISITOR_CONTROL - Toggle to control visitors with keyboard
LOG MASK - Set event logging mask
DRAW_FLOORABLE ON - Enable floorable grid
DRAW_FLOORABLE OFF - Disable floorable grid
MAP EDIT ON-self explanitory on
MAP EDIT OFF-self explanitory off
MOVE_OBJECTS - Move any object
PREVIEW_ANIMS ON - Preview animations on
PREVIEW_ANIMS OFF - Preview animations off
PREPARE_LOT - Fix required lot objects
ROTATION - Rotate camera
ROUTE BALOONS ON - Enable basic tutorial
ROUTE BALOONS OFF - Disable basic tutorial
LOG MASK - Event logging mask set
DRAW ALL FRAMES ON - Draw all frames
DRAW ALL FRAMES OFF - Disable draw all frames
TILE INFO ON - Show tile info
TILE INFO OFF Hide tile info
SWEEP ON - Enable ticks
SWEEP OFF - Disable ticks

Full Stats:
To get your sim's stats full first push shift+ctrl+c. Then type in move_objects on . Use the hand tool click on your sim and press delete. your sim will disappear. Then click on the sim's picture for it to reapear with full stats.

No Bills:
Bring up the cheat box(CTRL+SHIRT+C)and type move_objects on and goto buy mode put the hand on the mail box and click and delete it.Presto no more bills.

Higher Mood:
First buy a rodeo bull and put someone on it. Then put in the "move_objects on" cheat and delete the rodeo. In a couple seconds, the person will come back ,have a high mood, and have high attributes

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