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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Spellforce: The Order of Dawn PC Game Cheats

Cheat List:
During gameplay, press the ] key to open the console. (Note: Some versions of the game require you to hold LEFT CONTROL while hitting the ] key.) Type in the following codes for the desired effect and hit enter to input the code.
God Mode: Application:SetGodMode(1)
Unlimited mana usage: Application:SetNoManaUsage(1)
99999 of all resources: Application:GiveMeGoods(99999)
Fast hero casting: Application:FastHeroCast(1)
Fast construction: Application:SetBuildingFastBuildMode(1)

Build advance warriors: Application:SetFigureTechTreeMode(0)
Build any building: Application:SetBuildingTechTreeMode(0)
Freeze current time of day: Atmosphere:TimeLock(1)
With codes like God Mode and Infinite mana, you toggle the effect of the code on and off by repeating the code entry but replacing the number in parentheses with a 0 (zero) or 1 (one).

Cheat: Debug Mode:
Press CTRL + D to enable debug mode. To toggle debug functions, hit CTRL + W or E or R or S.

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