Pull up the console by holding CTRL, SHIF, and C keys at the same time:
addDNA - More DNA.
capturePlanetGIF - Acquire a 360 degree .gif file of your current planet.
freeCam - Camera is fee.
help X - Info about various commands and actions, where X is the command or action.
killallhints - No hints will be visible when playing.
moreMoney - More money.
refillMotives - Full Health.
setConsequenceTrait X - Change trait, where X is the trait.
SetTime (X,Y) - Change time, where X is the hour and Y is the minute.
spaceCreate - Get all tools in space.
styleFilter-filmNoir - View the game in black and white
styleFilter-none - Default View Setting.
styleFilter-oilPaint - Oil Painting View.
unlockSuperWeapons - Get each super weapon in tribal mode.
Developers' Faces:
Spin the galaxy at the main menu screen.
Display the Cheat List:
Push ctrl+shift+C to access the cheats menu; next, type in "help" to display the list of cheats.
Edit Planet and Star Names:
During the Space Stage, navigate to a solar system that's not yours and push CTRL+SHIFT+C
Edit star X - Where "X" is the name.
Edit planet X - Where "X" is the name.
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