Get Cash:
At the screen where you purchase pod parts press and hold [Left Shift] + [F4] + 4 five times in a row(Gives $1,000). You can do this up to five times
3000 Smackers!:
When you are in the buy parts place, get to what you want and then (in this order) press "ctrl"-"f4"-"4". note: looks like other code but is not, so press "ctrl" not "shift"
Info submitted by Michael (!_Smee_!) on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 23:31:21
Extra health at Jabba's Champion:
When fighting jabba's champion equip the light repeating blaster and put in happy as a code.now shoot jabba's champion and if you do well fighting him for a while he'll throw health to you. shoot while the health is coming down and it will become ton's of health.
Get Sebula:
Finish the Galactic Circuit to get Sebula available on the select screen
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