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Monday, September 28, 2009

Starcraft PC Game Cheats

Skip Levels:
Enter this code to enable level skipping cheat.First push enter,then Type Ophelia and Push enter Agian.(on the screen It should say code enabled).The Type where ever you want to go.
Their are three types Of aleins Type whatever aleins then press any # 1-10

Starcraft Cheat Code Usage Instructions:
The following codes only function in single player custom games & campaign games. To utilize them once in a game, press the 'Enter' key. An on-screen prompt appears which reads 'Message:' in colored letters. Type in the code you have selected and press the 'Enter' key again. The message 'Cheat Enabled' should then appear above where the message prompt used to be to confirm the code was activated. Repeat the process with the same code to disable it.

Starcraft Cheat Codes:
power overwhelming
God Mode: your units become invincible and extremely strong

black sheep:
wall Reveals entire map & disables Fog of War

war aint what it used to be:
Disables the re-growth of Fog of War

modify the phase variance:
Allows the building of all units and structures

food for thought:
Allows the building of units beyond the supply limit

operation cwal:
Increases all building speeds

something for nothing:
Upgrades 1 level of all weapons/armor etc...

the gathering:
Infinite 'spell' energy

medieval man:
Researches all 'spells'

Disallows the computer to employ 'spells' Also reported disables computer from using your cheats

no cheats for you:
Computer does not share your cheats

show me the money:
Provides a bonus 10,000 Minerals & 10,000 Gas

whats mine is mine:
Provides 500 Mineral Credits

breathe deep:
Provides 500 Vespene Gas

there is no cow level:
Instantaneous victory in current scenario

game over man:
Instantaneous defeat in current scenario

staying alive:
Disallows completion of current mission

Master code to enable level warping. After enabling: terranX, or zergX, or protossX; where X is desired level #
glues Computer can't advance in technology

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