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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tiberian Sun PC Game Cheats

Infinite Firestorm Wall:
To get infinite firestorm wall first let your firestorm charge up all the way. Then turn it on and sell or turn off some of your power plants until the words "On Hold" appear in the box. Your firestorm wall will stay on forever and will not go down until the power comes back.

Double the range of your disk throwers:
In order for this trick to work you must have some disk throwers (this works best with flat terrain). Then send them out to battle. Press the [Ctrl] key and force fire toward your target (not at the target. Aim for the ground in front of it). The discs will bounce off of the ground and if you aimed right, hit the target. With this, you can destroy those laser cannons or light towers without getting fired at or detected.

Easy Way To Capture Construction Yard:
To capture the enmy construction yard while you are the Nod, Build a subtaranium APC and put some engineears in to it. Then tell it to go to the enmies base unload the engineers and capture the base.

Selling Vehicles:
If your vehicle has lots of damage then you can sell it by making it go to the repair bay and when it gets on you click on the sell button and move it over the vehicle and it should turn green then click to sell it

Disc Thrower Use:
This is a hint on a good way of using your sic throwers if you are limited on recources. Lets say you have one disc thrower and one fully operating enemy laser. Stand at a distance so that the laser cannot get you, but be as close as possible. Fire at the ground so that the disc slides and hits the laser. The laser will be destroyed and you will go unharmed.

How to destroy Harvesters:
If you are Playing GDI And your opponet Has alot of Harvesters that he sends out into unprotected Tiberium Feilds You Should Biuld 7 or 8 Hover MRLS to destroy one harvester at a time Because Their missles Are very effective aganist Harvesters.

And also If you play GDI You Should Destroy the Orange Tiberium Veins So that NOD can't Make or launch Chemical Missiles

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