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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Total Annihilation: Kingdoms PC Game Cheats

Use Multiple Dragons:
How to play with multiple dragons. You must play as Aramon. Use the Monarch to kill another sides build unit such as a shamen then resurect him from the dead and use him to build that sides dragon. Possible to have all four dragons. Only tried this in skirmish mode

Select Mission:
After clicking on the Single Player icon type in drdeath at the one player game screen. You will now see a Cavedog Entertainment bone between load game and previous menu. Click it to select mission

Up to 10 Player Skirmish:
At the opponent/ally select screen type *X . Or substitute the X with a roman numeral between 3 and ten. Example *VI would be a six player skirmish

Various Cheats:
After starting a skirmish game or multiplayer mode press [Enter] to pop up the message box. Press + then enter a code below and press [Enter] to activate it. Enter a code again to deactivate it

atm Fill Mana
bigbrother Unit say different lines when moved
bps In multiplayer shows bps transfer rate
cdstart Start/Stop Music
clock In-game clock
combustion Enemies Die
contour<1-15> Show a 3D contour type
control Use a different skirmish AI
dither Dithering instead of line of sight
doubleshot Weapons do 2x damage
fogcolor 1-256 new fog color
halfshot Weapons do half damage
honk Honk sound when units stop
ilose Lose Instantly
infrared Toggle fog of war
iwin Instant win
kill<0-4> Kill player #
light Hide shaded object; all buildings dark
logo 1-9 New logo color
lotsablood More Blood
lushee Limited resource increase
makeposter Screen shot of map in .BMP format
mapping Dark screen
meteor Random meteor shower
nanolathing Nanolathing and metal using doubled
noenergy No energy
nometal No metal
noshake No screen shaking during explosion
nowisee Full map; disable line of sight
quit Exit to windows
radar 100% radar coverage
reloadaiprofiles Reload AI
rollingfog Toggle fog with 3d video cards
screenchat Toggle chat text in multi-player
seti Toggle radar mini-map
sfx Toggle sound effects
sharemapping Share radar information
shareradar Share radar information
shootall Units target all enemies
showranges Hold [Shift] to show range of pointed unit
sing Units sing when given orders
switchalt Press number keys to change squads
tilt Maximum men and material
view View selected players metal and energy
zipper Faster unit building

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