Locations of Green Lasers:
Find green lasers in the following locations to kill enemies in 1 shot.
--In Andy's neighborhood - Go to the place with the broken car. You should see a green laser there.
--In Andy's House - Go to the garage and get to the green van. Get to the tp to find a laser
-- In Alleys and Gullies - Turn to your right when you see the airplane box
All the men you need:
After passing the first level Andy's house start it again and grab the extra man in the crib, then exit the level and repeat the process until you have the proper amount of men you need.
Unlimited Lives:
Go to allyies and gullies. go into the market.all the way at the end fall into the water past the road blocks.look for the tunnel at the bottom of the pit.go into it and you will find a life. repeat untill you have as many lives as you want.
Extra Life by going a faster way!:
On the level Andy's House,go in the garage and turn to your left once you come through the doggy door.Climb on the box,then climb on the tool shelf were the saws are.Now you will see a coffee cup,climb on it,then if you look up you will see a long light bar.Do the high jump to get up there,there will be strings holding it up.Climb up the middle one and there you got a life!
Here is how to be invincible--first hold down shift and control, then you will see a rectangular box on the upper left of the screen. Type buzz's laser. Now you are invincible.
On construction yard go to the top of the building and go to the crane.do double jump of the end and you will land on the trailer, there is an extra life.go to the top again and jump off the side of the crane and land on the top of the tractorthere is a life there.
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