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Friday, September 25, 2009

Virtual Springfield PC Game Cheats

Go to map and hold shift,s and v and double click on the place you want to go.
Note: Must be a place you can go into like the 1st church of springfield or the town hall.

Easy Cards:
Go to Moe's and get the card from the bucket, then leave go to the library get the card from there and repeat until you have got all of the cards.

Easy Cards:
Go to Krusy's studio.Under a kind of box on the wall there is a card.Now go into Krusty's office(if you have the key) and click on the T.V for another card.Keep going in and out of the office and keep clicking on the box and the T.V.

NOTE:Sometimes the T.V does not have a card in it.

Easy Cards 2:
Go to the TV studio and go into the corridor. Get the card behind the poster, leave and go back in. There will be another card. Repeat until you have your desired amount of cards.

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