Unlock All Levels:
Make sure to keep a backup of all the files you are editing.
First, open up your Dawn of War\Profiles folder and choose which profile you are going to use. Now go to \W40k\singleplayer\campaign\state1 and open up "campaignstate.lua" with some type of text editor (I suggest notepad or wordpad). Now you need to change two lines. The "maxmission = #" and the "scenario = #". Just change the # signs to whatever mission you want (the maximum is 11 and both # signs have to be the same). Now have fun playing.
Cheat Mode:
Start the game with the -dev command line parameter. Then, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + ~ during game play to display the console window. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect - Code:
Get indicated amount of power - cheat_power( )
Get indicated amount of requisition - cheat_requisition( )
Cheat mode (Skirmish mode):
Start the game in Skirmish mode. Click the "Enable Cheats" option in the config box. Then, press [Enter] during game play to display the console window. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect - Code:
Clear console - window cls
Suicide - cheat_killself
Get indicated power - cheat_power ( )
Get indicated requisition - cheat_requisition ( )
Quit game - quit
Full map - cheat_revealall
Toggle shadows - shadow_toggle
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