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Thursday, October 29, 2009

House Of The Dead 2, The PC Game Cheats

Bonus room:
Successfully complete the game in original mode without losing any civilians and with a score of at least 1000,000 points to reach a bonus room full of items at the end of the game.

Bruno costume:
Accumulate over 70,000 points and play on the "Sin" level in original mode. You can get the Bruno costume when a maid comes out of a secret room, hands it to you, and wishes you good luck. Note: It is a good idea to have the Double power-up when you are attempting to get the costume.

Darkness: Different pathway civilian:
During the level, a man will be attacked by an Ebitan on his boat. If you shoot the Ebitan down, the man will reward you by opening the water gate. Let the Ebitan overcome the man, and you will continue on your current course.

Despair: Different pathway civilian:
During the level, a man will get pulled down by a Kageo. Shoot the Kageo, and you will continue through the level from your current area. Let the Kageo pull him down, and you will go down after him, taking you to a lower level in the area.

Extra $ point credits:
For more points added to your score when you complete a level, simply shoot various other items during game play. Shoot lamp post lights, lanterns, stacks of books, jars, tires on boats, windows on cars, chairs, and other furniture. Shooting barrels and drums, however, will not give you extra points, but may reveal items.

Goldman costume:
Successfully complete the game in original mode. The Goldman costume will appear in the trunk of the car in the next original mode game.

Goldman zombie:
Enable the "Infinite credits" bonus. Play through the game and shoot every hostage and try to get the lowest score possible. Towards the end of the game, when the last door is opened, Goldman will appear like a zombie.

Muddy: Advance to Magician:
Play to the point in the "Muddy" level in original mode where the key is laying next to the dead man. Shoot the key, and get to the point where the boy asks you to save his father. Do not open the lock to proceed through the other door on the opposite side. Shoot the black phone on the couch to advance directly to the Magician.

Muddy: Different pathway civilian:
In the beginning of the level, a man is driving a car and has a David on the windshield. Shoot the David off, and you will go up some stairs. Leave the David, and the man will crash into a building. You will then go into the building and continue the level from there.

Prelude: Different pathway civilian:
The first woman civilian you see is being chased by a zombie. Save her, and she will tell you to save the man civilian, who will get attacked by three zombies. If you succeed, he will lead you in a different direction -- not a significantly different pathway, but it cuts through another pathway where a Max zombie will appear. If you take the different path, he will not appear.

Rogan costume:
Begin game play in original mode and select the 2.0 Bullets and the Double Score items from the trunk. Rescue all civilians except for the second person on level 4. Complete the game and enter the bonus room at the end. A Rogan Costume and an Infinite Credits item will be in the room.

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