Crossing the bridge:
In labyrinth level is a "bridge". If you walk across it, you will be teleported to the pit below. To cross the bridge, do not walk over the markings or symbols on it.
Destroying totems:
The following four spells can be used to destroy totems: Apocalypse, Lightning, Meteor Strike, and Storm.
Easy POP capture:
If you are playing a quick battle, choose a Tornado spell and an Ancour spell. Walk up to a POP (place of power) that is guarded by an enemy. Cast Ancour on yourself. Then, cast Tornado on the POP. The enemy should fly away and the POP left clear for you to capture.
Killing mid-air creatures:
If a creature is flying in mid-air (for example, a Bat or Griffin), cast the spell Gorgon Stare on them or command a Champion Law to freeze them. They will plummet to the ground and shatter into pieces.
Killing undead:
Summon a Unicorn. They have decent HP, mana cost and are effective against the undead. However, they are not very good against Champion Chaos and Vampires.
Subversion without the spell or pipes:
Get a creature with a "crown" over their heads. If they attack an enemy creature of the same species they might be able to subvert it. This also works against illusions.
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