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Monday, October 12, 2009

Mega Man Legends PC Game Cheats

Checking trash cans for items:
Check trash cans for items by kicking them. The lid will fly up if there is nothing inside. The can will just wobble if there is Zenny or a item inside.
Extra life:
Some opponents have small "lego men" pirates appear they are killed. To get free energy cubes, shoot the "lego man" a couple of times with the buster. Then, kick him after he's been taken care of. A life cube should appear. You can kick him about three times and it will stop.

Free Canteen refill:
If you do not have any Zenny and you need a refill, you can get one for free by going to the Junkstore Lady and go to refill canteen. She will say a certain price, then answer "Yes". She will say you do not have enough money. Select "Refill" again and she will say, "What the hey I'll do it for free!" and you will have your canteen refilled.

Get hit by a van:
Just walk in front of the van while the girl is driving it.

Get hit by police car:
In the start of the game when the Flutters crash land on Kattleox Island, Megaman will be asked to look around for a town. Go north and pass the sign "To Town". Stand in the middle of the road as the police car arrives. Megaman will get hit and will be asked if he is all right (at this time only).

Hard and easy difficulty modes:
Complete the game to unlock an additional option (in green) on the main menu that allows the game to be played at a more difficult level. Defeat the game under the new difficulty level to unlock another option (in yellow) that allows the game to be played at an easier difficulty level, with dash boots and full left arm weapon capability.

Lost clothes:
When you first get the air ship enter the Girls Room 2. The second time you enter, you will not be wearing any clothes.

Megaman apology:
When Roll is driving in the tank area run into her car and she will say, "Sorry Megaman".

Quick energy cubes:
To quickly gain a little health in battle, shoot a Servbot until he is smoking, then kick him a couple of times. At least two energy cubes should appear from each Servbot.

Unlimited money:
Play the beast hunter game at the studio and get 4000 gold for completing grade A . Repeat this as needed to earn as much money as possible.

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