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Friday, October 9, 2009

Neverwinter Nights: Diamond PC Game Cheats

Cheat Mode:
Hit the tilde key ~ to access the console.
Note that you should type some letters if they're capitalize because it won't work if you don't.

Code - Result:
dm_allspells 1 - Allows the use of every spell in the game.
dm_modifyage # - Change your character's age.
DebugMode 0 - Disable cheats.
dm_gettime - Display current game time
fps - Display your frames per second.
DebugMode 1 - Enables Cheats.
GiveXP # - Give a set amount of XP.
dm_givegold # - Gives you Gold.
dm_god - God mode.
dm_heal - Heal yourself. Works like potion.
hidepartynames - Hide your party's names on the sidebar
dm_levelup - Level Up.
dm_modifyattackbase # - Modify your base to-hit bonus.
dm_modifyspellresistence - Modify your spell resistence.
dm_givelevel # - Raises your level.
dm_settime - Set current game time
dm_setrace - Set your character's race.
SetCHA # - Sets Charisma (9-50)
SetCON # - Sets Constitution (9-50).
SetDEX # - Sets Dexterity (9-50).
SetINT # - Sets Intelligence (9-50).
SetSTR # - Sets Strength (9-50)
SetWIS # - Sets Wisdom (9-50).
showpartynames - Show your party's names on the sidebar.
dm_mylittlepony - Speed Cheat.
dm_cowsfromhell Summons cow to help you.
dm_allspells 0 - Turns off the above code.
SetAppearance - Change your character's appearance. (001-298)
dm_modifysavefortitude # - Change your fortitude saving throw.
dm_modifysavereflex # - Change your reflex saving throw.
dm_modifysavewill # - Change your will saving throw.

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