Press ~ during game play and type DebugMode 1 (case sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Move the pointer to your desired destination, then hold the Left Mouse Button and press [Keypad Plus].
One hit kills:
Press ~ during game play and type DebugMode 1 (case sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Move the pointer over your target, then hold the Left Mouse Button and press Y. Note: This also can be used to bash doors, chests, and other containers.
Easy level ups:
Press ~ during game play and type DebugMode 1 (case sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Then, enter GiveXP (without a value after it) at the console window. The game will continue to level your character up until you reach maximum level.
All Items And Exp for Multiplayer:
Use the toolset to create a level you place any monster,item or amount of gold you whant then go to Edit then profiles to change the amount of exp you get from killing the monsters on your level 10%is the default but it can be up to 200%when you finish press esc and save youre charicter you can now load it on to the game or on the multiplayer.
Extra strength:
If you are in combat, when you use the SetSTR code, you can set it to a maximum of 255 for one handed weapons (including two weapon fighting) or 127 if you are using a two-handed weapon. Your character will say that they are encumbered (only once), but it will not have any affect on speed or red warning at the top of the screen.
Edit pre-made modules:
To edit and view the official campaign modules, enter the "\neverwinternights\nwn\nwm" folder. Copy all the ".nwm" files into your modules folder and rename their extension to ".mod".
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