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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

NHL 2000 PC Game Cheats

Faster Players:
Put in the code qiuckftr

Away Team Gets Goal:
During play put in the code awaygoal

Home Team Gets Goal:
During play put in the code homegoal

Get Powerplay (You must have puck):
During play put in the code penalty

Zamboni on Ice:
During play put in the code zambo

Spotlights in Pre-Game:
During play put in the code spots

Get Injury:
During play put in the code injury

Get Fireworks:
During play put in the code victory

8 Goals for Home Team:
During play put in the code goals

Camara Flash From Crowd:
During play put in the code flash

Long Necks, Arms and Legs:
During play put in the code mantis

Small Players:
During play put in the code nhlkids

Check Contact with Opposing Player:
During play put in the code check

Auto Stick Hold On Opposing Player:
During play put in the code grab

Whole Team Fights:
During play put in the code big fight

Nasty Fights:
Put in the name bloody

Patch Cheats:
After installing the patch go to the credits screen and type the following:

headbone - players with big heads
buffed - big players
gulliver - huge goalies
massrink - huge rink surface
night - dark arena with spotlights on the players
squeaky - high pitched commentators
barrywhite - low pitched commentators
warp9 - super fast gameplay
slomo - super slow gameplay
zerog - puck has no friction

Note: these codes are implemented by typing in the code name in the Credits
screen. All of the codess are supported in multiplayer - for season play
only those codes which don't affect AI are enabled (bighead, night, squeaky,

No Power in Arena and Players Glow:
Go to create player and name a player Y2K as first name and Bug as last.Put him on the team you want to be. Then go to Playoffs and name the playoffs as NHL2K and all the games will be with no lights on and players will glow like fireflies.

Taunt Opponent:
When you score a goal or win a fight hold Z (Big hit/deke). Then you will hear the taunt.

You can also taunt your opponent when you win a game using the deke/check button. Also, if you tap the deke/check button fast and a lot of times, the commentator will say a comment.

Free Powerplay:
When you get into a fight DON'T touch anything at all and wait for the CPU to kick your butt after that he'll get a 5 minute major and 9 times out of 10 a game misconduct but you will also get a penalty, don't worry it'll only be a 2 minute minor for roughing.

Free trades:
(This cheat will only work in season mode) Click on commisioner, once your there click on options, than once you see the option pc trade and if it says yes, than click on it and it should turn to no.Now clik done, now you can trade get players for free. If you have this on other teams will not perpose trades with you.

OHL Teams:
First you go to the season mode and you type in ohl and you will see all of the ohl teams

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