During the game type in zambo: Zamboni is going to come out.
Type while playing
mantis-players have long necks,arms and legs
nhlkids-players are midgets
flash-audiende takes pictures
homegoal-freegoal for home team
awaygoal-freegoal for away team
check-go flying when someone checks you
grab-same as check but with a stick
victory-fireworks everywhere
injury-automatic injury
penalty-penalty for your team
Players with max stats:
If you go to create a player and type these names in exactly how I have them the player will have max stats.
John Rix
Mike Smith
Mike MacKinnon
Funky Swadling
Jay Macdonald
Cory Yip
Andy Harris
Gary Johnson
Ben St John
Jeff Mair
Juan Jacyna
Jay Bulbrook
Trenton Shumay
Dejan Stanisavljevic
Tedd Streibel
Victoria Wong
Tom Papadatos
Troy Church
Phillip Chow
Ted Nugent
Adriano Celentano
Jeff Dyck
Mark Gipson
Lance Wall
Sissel Tangen
Mark Johnston
Bryce Cochrane
Get network mode:
Click on the "X" in the main menu; next, highlight the "Credits" option and input ultimatejudge to get the "Connection" option in the main menu. In the "Conncetion" option, choose Internet. Input your foe's IP address to play in network mode.
Input ZAMBO - Zamboni goes on the ice.
Input VICTORY - Begins fireworks under the scoreboard.
Input superslap - Push SHOOT three times quickly once you input the code.
Input SPOTS - Fire up pregame spot lights.
Input PENALTY - Get a 5 minute major + a game misconduct call.
Input NHLKIDS - Tiny players.
Input MANTIS - Larger players.
Input INJURY - Causes injury.
Input HOMEGOAL - Home team goal.
Input GRAB - Grab someone after a check etc.
Input GLOW - Puck will glow.
Input giptea - Powerplay awarded to team that allowed last goal.
Input FLASH - Camera flash from the crowd.
Input EAEAO - Get EA Blades team.
Input CHECK - Flatten a players by skating into them.
Input AWAYGOAL - Get a goal for the away team.
Input stanley - Watch the end of season video.
Get 3d jerseys:
Highlight Anaheim + Los Angeles + Boston + Vancouver + or Pittsburgh and click the Left Mouse Button.
Alter View Angle:
When playing push TAB.
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