Various Cheats:
While holding left shift push "-" (num pad) then leave them. After that type:
savegame - saves game during missions
endmission - ends mission
topography - ?????
campaign - while in main menu (all missions)
iwillbetheone - Invincibility
Invincibility (Demo Only):
Start your mission and go until you get to the helicopter. Wait a few seconds and jump out of the helicopter. Jump out before they start screaming about the helicopter getting hit. You will become invincible until you go to the Target area and finish the level.
Full Ammo:
On the second level on campaign mode when your officer shouts "go go go!" Immediately type in moreammo and you will get full ammo.
All Missions:
At the First Screen. Hold the left click and press the minus key on the number keypad then type campaign to open all campaigns
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