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Friday, November 20, 2009

Backyard Baseball PC cheats

Get Mr Cranky:
In exhibition mode go to the clubhouse trophy case and hold SHIFT and click on Mr. Clanky

Giant Players:
Create a team and never get out with Pablo Sanchazein the first game.

Secret Players:
Make a team that is black and called the Mighty Monsters.Win all of your season games.Then create another team.You will be Able to pick people like Mark McGwire,Sammy Sosa,Ken Griffy Jr.,Babe Ruth,Hank Arron,and Willy Mays.

How to get a hitting special:
To get a hitting special all you have to do is hit back to back homeruns

How to get a pitching special:
To get a pitching special you could strike a person out or make a double play

Get Pablo Sanchez to speak English:
To make pablo to speak English go to the card book in the club house pick pablo and hold ALT and SHIFT then click once on his pic he will speak

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