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Friday, November 20, 2009

Backyard Soccer MLS Edition PC cheats

Cheat Menu:
Hold [Shift] + [Ctrl] and press C at the main menu to access the cheat menu.

Gain possession of the ball:
When your opponent's goalie has the ball in his or her hands, stand in front of it and press the "kicking" ball button (either the Left Mouse Button, [Shift], or [Ctrl]) rapidly. If done correctly, you should have headed the ball into your control. Note: When goalie spins around to avoid you, follow the ball.

Mr. Clanky:
Hold [Shift] when clicking on the shoes on the shelf. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Play against other teams:
Get to the P Division to play against the "Ticklish Tornadoes", "Salty Sea Cows", "Screaming Chihuahuas", "Spiffy Penguins", "Lumpy Gravies", and all the MLS Teams.

Play against the "Indoor Off The Wall Invitational" teams:
Win the "Indoor Off The Wall Invitational Tournament" to play against the "Rug Burners", "Carpet Sweepers", "Turf Mowers" and "Abominable Cherry-Pickers".

Play against the "International Tournament" teams:
Win the "International Tournament" in The P Division to play against all of the International teams including the "Fancy Pandas" from China, "Garlic Gladiators" from Rome, "Funky Pharos" from Egypt and many more.

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