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Friday, November 20, 2009

Backyard Soccer PC cheats

Get Mr. Clanky:
In exhibition mode go to the clubhouse trophy case and hold SHIFT and click on Mr. Clanky

Get All Levels:
Place the ball out of bounds then press Shift + Enter + Tab

Get Pizza Party:
Finish the entire season

Play against the "International Tournament" teams:
Win the "International Tournament" in The P Division to play against all of the International teams including the "Fancy Pandas" from China, "Garlic Gladiators" from Rome, "Funky Pharos" from Egypt and many more.

Play against other teams:
Get to the P Division to play against the "Ticklish Tornadoes", "Salty Sea Cows", "Screaming Chihuahuas", "Spiffy Penguins", "Lumpy Gravies", and all the MLS Teams.

Play against the "Indoor Off The Wall Invitational" teams:
Win the "Indoor Off The Wall Invitational Tournament" to play against the "Rug Burners", "Carpet Sweepers", "Turf Mowers" and "Abominable Cherry-Pickers".

Score a lot of goals!:
In a game, dribble it down the sideline towards their end.Get pretty close to where you take corner kicks and lob it into the middle by putting the X by one of your players. Then quickly put the X in the goal

Ultimate Team:
Pueoble S.(bald kid in hat,Speaks Spanish)midfeilder+forword,Ricky J.(tall kid, oval head)midfielder+forword,Kenny K. (Kid in wheelchair)forword+Midfeilder,Lisa ???(girl with big glasses)Dante robinson(kid in affro, always eating)defender+goalie, Stephine M.(girl in baseball cap) Goalie only!!!,Amir&Achemed K., kid in Headphones, kid who looks like kid in headphones

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