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Friday, November 20, 2009

Barbie Secret Agent PC cheats

Jet pack:
When in action mode, type JET to get the silver jet pack. Now yo can hit the jump button to fly. Type JET again to deactivate the jet pack.

Unverified. When Barbie is in action mode hold SHIFT and type JET. Barbie will get a silver jet pack. Hold down the space bar to make her fly.

When you hit New York for the first time, there's an unpatched glitch that let's you shortcut to the Paris ticket. After you jump the boxes do not go to Teresa.

Upon landing from the boxes, turn right. There are two boxes with a little gap in them. Start running toward the gap and you will slowly phase through onto the grass. After about five seconds or so, your character should breach the map boundary and be in an area normally inaccessible.

Run towards the fashion show tent but don't stray from the grassy ground. Go to the back of the tent and there should be a little gold curtain like te front of the tent. Go through that and turn left and find the little ticket to Paris.

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