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Friday, November 20, 2009

Blade and Sword PC cheats

In-game Debug codes:
To activate the codes: once in the game, press Enter to bring up the console, and type in `tianxiawudi (without the quotes), and then use the cheats below:the ` is from the ~ key not the ' on the " key.

Use this to capture sequential screenshots. This will start capturing screenshots (use this sparingly, it will capture 30 screenshots per second). Pre shift + F11
Move cursor on mob or enemy, press this combo to kill them automatically. ctrl + g
Cycle through weathers automatically (Snowy, Rainy, Windy, Sunny). shift + F8
move to any location on map. Press once again to disable this function. ctrl + h
Once you enable CTRL+H, use this to cycle through the locations on the map. ctrl + y
Cycle through available screen resolutions (640x480, 800x600, 1024x768) shift + F2
Auto Increase HP and EXP. Will also increase levels as you keep pressing this combination.

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