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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Carmageddon: The Death Race 2000 PC cheats

Various Cheats:
Press ' and type in hereComesTrouble to enable cheats then enter a code below

cash - Get ,000
openLevelsGuv - get All Levels
winMission - Win mission
invincible - Invincibility
setCar - Get car
makeai - Make opponent car
ai on or ai off - Turn AI on or off
WasteAll - Destroy All Cars
lastlap - Begin on Final lap

adventure - Get text adventure game (In game commands are kill [zombie's name], look, look again, quit, inventory, go [direction], get [item], look [item])

addPowerup - Get powerup (Name - look at the file PowerupStrings_Internal.txt in the assets game folder for a complete list)

lastcheckpoint (All checkpoints completed except final)
damage_multiplier - Damage set to number
enablebuy - Buy all cars enabled
peds on or peds off - Turn pedestrians on or off
breakCar - Damage car
version - Show Version Info

Credit Cheat (Hack):
Make a backup of the Carma.pak file in the assets folder.
Then open the file in wordpad.
scroll down to the part that starts:

Here you will find the attributes for Ped_Credits / Checkpoint_credits and the like
...add a few zeros to the numbers and remove the line
that is at the bottom of this part of the text or else the hack won't work.
This hack will make it nice and easy to score credits and afford all the cars.
It is the same HAck that worked with Carpocalypse NOw!

Get Rid of Timer:
To disable the timer edit the file options.txt and find USE_TIMER=1 and change to a 0

Cars for free:
Go to the dir where u have installed the game.Open assets.Then open cars.If u do this you can open the file Car_Descriptor.There you will be able to adjust the strength and the price!!!

Superfast and superstrong cars:
Go to the dir where you have installed Carmageddon.Then open assets.Then open Strings.Then you can see all the ingame strings.Well, if you open the document Car_Strings_UK.txt you will be able to adjust the speed and the strength of that car!!!

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