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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Championship Manager Season 01/02 PC cheats

Finding good players:
Enter the "/cm0102/editor/" folder and run the cm0102ed.exe file to start the game editor. Use it to open your data file, which should be in the "/cm0102/data" folder. Use the filter to find any player who has ability over 180. These players are very good but usually are very expensive and famous. However, some of them are not -- for example, some players from South America. You can use filter to find any player with potential over 180. Some of them, especially the younger ones, are not expensive and will develop into very good players in a few years.

Play only second half of season:
Select the nation of the team you wish to manage and USA as foreground leagues at the start. When selecting the start season, choose USA and allow the game to load. When selecting your team, change the nation on the pop down menu to that of the team you wish to manage, and select your team. You will now take control of the team in mid-January, with the first half of the season simulated.

Scout report:
Click on any player. Click on the "Action" button in the top right. Next, click on the "Set Nickname" option and enter one of the following names:

Oliver Collyer
Paul Collyer
Paul Norman
Kevin Turner
Marc Duffy
Svein Kvernoey
Mark Woodger
Once entered, click "OK" then click "Action" again. Click on "Request Coach Report", select a coach, and press "Confirm". Read out the strange report that is given.
Note: This works on both the demo and final version of the game.

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