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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cheat List PC cheats

Cheat List:
Press ~ to drop down a console menu. Then type "enablecheats" and enter the following cheats:

* Infinite Health: god
* Full Ammo: allammo
* Add Bots (replace # with an actual number of bots): addbots #
* All Weapons and Max Ammo: loaded
* All Weapons and no Ammo: allweapons
* Statistics for Audio: stat audio
* Alters field of view (replace # with number of degreees): FOV #
* Change Player Name (replace "name" with actual name): setname (name)
* Set Resolution and Color (replace numbers as desired): setres 1280x1024x32
* Change Teams: switchteam
* First Person View: behindview 0
* Third Person View: behindview 1
* Kill Yourself: suicide
* Display Stats: stat all
* Turn Stat Display Off: stat none
* Exit Game: quit
* Exit Game: exit
* Stop Time: playersonly
* Display Game Statistics: stat game
* Kill Bots: killbots
* Display Network Statistics: stat net
* Toggle Full Screen and Window Mode: togglefullscreen
* Disable Clipping and Gravity: ghost
* Enable Fly Mode: fly
* Disable Fly Mode: walk
* Teleport to Crosshairs: teleport
* Open Map (replace "mapname" with the actual name of the map): open (mapname)
* Change Gravity Setting (replace # with an actual number): setgravity #
* Change Jump Height (replace # with an actual number): setjumpz #
* Change Gameplay Speed (replace # with an actual number): setspeed #
* Display Frames Per Second Stats: stat fps
* Set Slow Motion (replace # with an actual number): slowmo #
* Spawn Redeemer: summon xweapons.redeemerpickup
* Spawn Assault Rifle: summon xweapons.assaultriflepickup
* Spawn Avril: summon onslaught.onsavrilpickup
* Spawn Bio Rifle: summon xweapons.bioriflepickup
* Spawn Flak Cannon: summon xweapons.flakcannonpickup
* Spawn Grenade Launcher: summon onslaught.onsgrenadepickup
* Spawn Ion Painter: summon xweapons.painterpickup
* Spawn Lightning Gun: summon xweapons.sniperriflepickup
* Spawn Link Gun: summon xweapons.linkgunpickup
* Spawn Mine Layer: summon onslaught.onsminelayerpickup
* Spawn Minigun: summon xweapons.minigunpickup
* Spawn Rocket Launcher: summon xweapons.rocketlauncherpickup
* Spawn Shield Gun: summon xweapons.shieldgunpickup
* Spawn Shock Rifle: summon xweapons.shockriflepickup
* Spawn Sniper Rifle: summon utclassic.classicsniperriflepickup
* Spawn Goliath: summon Onslaught.ONSHoverTank
* Spawn Hellbender: summon Onslaught.ONSPRV
* Spawn Instant Kill Shock Rifle: summon xweapons.supershockriflepickup
* Spawn Manta: summon Onslaught.ONSHoverBike
* Spawn Raptro: summon Onslaught.ONSAttackCraft
* Spawn Scorpion: summon Onslaught.ONSRV

Cheat: Hidden Voice Commands
* (Bot name) Suicide: Bot will commit suicide
* (Bot name) Dance: Bot will dance
* (Bot name) Jump: Bot will jump up and down
* (Bot name) Get out: Bot will leave the vehicle they it is in
* (Bot name) Taunt: Bot will taunt opponents

Cheat: Skip Match
Press ~ to drop down a console menu and type in:


Note: In order for this to work, cheats have to be enabled and you have to hit fire to start the match.

Cheat: Summon Leviathon Tank
Press ~ to drop down the console menu. Then type "enablecheats" and enter: Summon OnslaughtFull.ONSMobileAssaultStation

Cheat: Xan, Malcolm, and ClanLord Without Beating the Game
To play as any of these three secret characters without beating the game, simply go to your ut2004 folder, open the system folder and open the file called 'user' with notepad. Find the line 'Character=name of character', Then change your character name to either Malcolm, Xan or Clanlord.

Unlockable: Characters
To unlock all three secret characters without cheating, you need to beat the game on three different difficulty settings. It doesn't matter which difficulty they are as long as they are different, because if you beat the game twice on the same difficulty setting, you don't get anything.

Cheat: Create Entity Codes
Note: these codes will only work without enabling cheats in practice mode in onslaught or possibly in assault. If you are in tournament mode, type in ENABLECHEATS to access the cheats, but be warned: you won't be able to access the bonus characters as soon as you enable the cheats.

to hear each vehicles' different horns, drop the console then type in: playvehiclehorn 1

to summon the toiletbowl car: summon onslaughtfull.onsgenericsd

to summon an ion painter tank: summon onslaughtfull.onshovertank_ionplasma

to summon a gigantic insanely humungous sized plasma gun: summon ut2k4assaultfull.asturret_ioncannon NOTE: you will somehow need to get on top of the huge thing to actually use it

to summon a useless bomber plane you can't steer at all: summon onslaughtfull.onsbomber

to summon a harmless nuclear explosion: summon onslaughtfull.onsautobomberbomb

to summon a skaarj: summon skaarjpack.skaarj

to summon a fire skaarj: summon skaarjpack.fireskaarj

to summon an ice skaarj: summon skaarjpack.iceskaarj

NOTE: the skaarj WILL attack you if there are no other targets to attack or you are too close to them. Plus they aren't to picky on what team color they attack.

Unlockable: Particle Effects Showcase
Within the Maps folder for the game, locate ParticleExamples.ut2 and open the file. You'll be in a level that shows off the particle effects of the game.

Unlockable: Secret Xan Loading Screen
To unlock the secret Xan loading screen, go into you User.ini file in your System folder. Then do a Ctrl + F search to find backgrounds. You should see four lines with the same words except that two lines have the same number, 2. Change the lower one so it reads 1, 2, 3, 4, and not 1, 2, 2, 4

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