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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay PC cheats

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing:
In the "showers" chapter, right after Riddick gets his eyeshine, stealth kill the guards near the lockers without letting them activate the alarm. Once that's over with, open the lockers and you'll find some UD, assault rifles, a pack of smokes, and a guard suit. Put on the suit and you can walk around without having to kill anyone (but you can't go into stealth mode, or kill any lights, otherwise they'll figure out you're a prisoner). You can talk to the guards, giving you some valuable information when you reach the "Guards' Quarters" chapter and try to find Abbot. At the place where Riddick uses the retina scanner, go to the end of the room and to your left (the side where you first come through) will be a ventilation shaft. Enter and you'll find yourself in a small room with assault rifles and a light armor guard suit. Use the
armor, and you can still act as a guard. This secret allows you to obtain some extra UD, and makes everything much easier when you try to reach Abbot.

Beating on other inmates:
In the Rec. Ward or fighting ring area, by just punching someone once then backing away for a short while, you can hurt an inmate and not get killed by the rail defenses. If you have enough patience, you can kill an inmate. It will take a while.

Commentary Mode:
Beat the game on easy or normal.

Defeating Hoxie's Red Mechs:
When you fight Hoxie's Red Mechs, pick up the mini gun. Get the mechs in a line so they cannot hit you and shoot away.

Defeating the Heavy Riot Guards:
At the Loading Dock, you cannot hope to take this monster out with any weapon. Your best bet is to get the minigun before entering the Loading Dock and shooting the explosive canisters that are circulating over the guard. Make sure to stay out of the line of fire. Keep hitting the canisters until the guard falls. At the Fuel Station, circle around Heavy Riot Guard counter-clockwise and blast the fuel tanks on the rail above it. You do not need a direct hit to blow it up, but it will speed up the process.

Defeating the Riot Guards:
In order to defeat the Riot Guards, you have to shoot them in the back. It is recommended that you get close to them and strafe sideways while shooting them in the back. They are slow and cannot keep up. In addition, do not forget to pick up the Riot Guard's minigun.

Feed Ward: Asif's stash:
You will be asked by a couple persons to get an item of theirs (an injector and a red tube). Both these can be found by following Asif after buying a shiv from his friend. If you are near him when he hides the money you paid for the shiv, he attacks and you are killed by the rail defenses. When you see him go into the back of the Feed Ward, move away and wait in the area where there are the guards beating up an inmate. When Asif comes into the area, kill him, then go to the back of the Feed Ward to find a loose panel. The red tube and injector are there, along with the 30 U.D. you paid to get the shiv.

Hard Difficulty:
Beat the game on easy or normal.

Regaining health:
Your health is divided up into squares. When you are damaged, the square will start to minimize. At any time you can recharge the last square to the right that is not fully depleted by waiting awhile. This can be done at any time, but it only recharges your current square. This works faster while crouching.

Riding the rail: Tranq. Gun:
When you are riding the rail, there is a ladder beside it. Go down it and kill the guard in front. Then, go to the ladder in front of you. There should be a Tranq. Gun here.

Sneaking around:
If you are trying to avoid being seen either by guards or guns mounted on the wall, go into stealth mode and shoot the lights out to make everything dark. This is useful for sneaking behind people to break their necks, etc.

Unlock Animation Show Room:
After collecting all 62 packs of smokes, including the three from the new areas with the Riot Guard, a new location called the Animation Show Room opens in the Extra Content. Here, you can watch Riddick perform all 28 of his combat moves on Johns, as well as some cool little easter eggs.

Upper Mines: Tranq Gun:
You can buy a tranq. gun from one of the inmates before you enter the Upper Mines. It is 50 U.D. You can test it on him if desired, and he will not attack. Tranq. guns are useful for stunning enemies and stopping the Riot Guard that goes around in the Upper Mines.

Various Codes:
While playing, press [CTRL] + [ALT] + [~] to bring up the console, then type any of the following codes:

Effect - Code:
All Weapons/Items - cmd giveall
God Mode - cmd godmode
No Clipping - cmd noclip
Unlock All Director's Cut Special Features - unlockall
Spawn Another Riddick - cmd selfsummon
Suicide - cmd kill
Switch 1st/3rd Person View - cmd cyclecamera
Load Map (#=Name) - map #

Note: On the MAP command, use the names from the Install Directory\Content\Worlds.

Where's The Snitch List ?:
There are two parts to the snitch list. One is hidden in the work pass room where there are the two guards and the mechanic. Search for a loose panel behind the crates. After you give the package to Jagger Valance and you get the mission to get the bomb, head back to the second floor (like you're heading back to the upper mines). On you're way back you're going to see 2 miners standing around. Take them out. One of them has the snitch list plus a little axe-like club I think you'll really like.

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