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Thursday, November 19, 2009

CSI: Crime Scene Investigations - Dark Motives PC cheats

Case 1: Daredevil Disaster
Available Locations: Casino Stunt Site, St. Anthony's Hospital
Movie: Meet your CSI team

Go to "Casino Stunt Site"
Examine the tracks on the ground
- New Victim: Ace Dillinger
Examine the ground near a barrel
Examine the motorcycle
Examine the liquid on the ground
Use the Swab on the liquid
- New Evidence: Yellow Liquid Substance (Under the motorcycle)
Examine the wheel of the motorcycle
Use the Adhesive Lifter on the wheel
- New Evidence: Motorcycle Tire Tread (Casino Stunt Site)
Examine the motorcycle's handlebars
Use the Gloves on the sticker
- New Evidence: Service Sticker (Crashed Motorcycle)
Examine the motorcycle's engine
- Movie: Ace's custom engine
Examine the throttle
Use the Tweezers on the spring
- New Evidence: Broken Return Spring (Crashed Motorcycle)
Examine the cable near the throttle
Use the Swab on the substance
- New Evidence: Throttle Cable Substance (Crashed Motorcycle)
Examine the top area of the engine
Use the Fingerprint Powder on the engine
- New Evidence: Engine Fingerprint (Crashed Motorcycle)
Examine the stuff on the ground near the truck
Use the Swab on the liquid
- New Evidence: Chemical Substance (Truck at Casino Fountain)
Examine the landing ramp
- Movie: Evidence of a perfect landing
Examine the tread on the ramp
Talk to the man
Ask "Who are you?"
- New Suspect: David McLadden
Ask "What exactly happened here?"
Ask "What is your involvement in the show?"
Ask "How well do you know Ace Dillinger?"
Ask "Who inspected Ace's bike before the show?"
- New Location: McLadden's Trailer
Ask "Who swept up the debris?"

Go to "St. Anthony's Hospital"
Click on the man
Ask "May we speak with you?"
Ask "How are you feeling?"
Ask "What are your injuries?"
- Movie: Tally of injuries
Ask "How did it happen?"
- Movie: Ace's stunt goes bad
Ask "Do you think it was an accident?"
Ask "What should we check on your bike?"
Ask "Did anyone have access to your bike before the stunt?"
Ask "Does McLadden have a grudge against you?"
Ask "Where can we find the Producer?"
- New Suspect: Cory Muzotti

Go to "McLadden's Trailer"

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Yellow Liquid Substance (Under the motorcycle)" to Greg
Show the "Motorcycle Tire Tread (Casino Stunt Site)" to Greg
Show the "Throttle Cable Substance (Crashed Motorcycle)" to Greg
Show the "Engine Fingerprint (Crashed Motorcycle)" to Greg
Show the "Chemical Substance (Truck at Casino Fountain)" to Greg
Show the "Service Sticker (Crashed Motorcycle)" to Greg
Show the "Broken Return Spring (Crashed Motorcycle)" to Greg
Use the computer
Select "Finger Prints"
Do a search on the "Engine Fingerprint"
Select "Tire Treads"
Do a search on the "Motorcycle Tread"
Compare it with the "Product Code: 10244" and confirm the match

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask "Can you look up the address of Vegas Motorcycle?"
- New Location: Vegas Motorcycle
Ask "Can you look up the address of Draffler Promotions?"
- New Location: Draffler Promotions Office

Go to "Casino Stunt Site"
Ask "What do you know about Vegas Motorcycle?"
Ask "Why did you take longer on Ace's bike?"
Ask "Do you have a grudge against the producer of the show?"
Ask "Do you mind if look around your equipment trailer?"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant for the McLadden's Trailer

Go to "McLadden's Trailer"
Enter the trailer
Examine the coffee cup
Use the Magnetic Powder on the coffee cup
- New Evidence: Coffee Cup Print (Coffee Cup From McLadden's Trailer)
Use the Gloves on the coffee cup
- New Evidence: Styrofoam Coffee Cup (McLadden's Trailer)
Examine the open drawer
Use the Gloves on the tool
- New Evidence: Wire Stripping Tool (McLadden's Trailer)
Examine the trash can
Use the Gloves on the borken video tape
- New Evidence: Smashed Beta Video Tape (McLadden's Trailer)
Examine the dustpan on the ground
Examine the metal bit inside
Use the Tweezes on the metal bit
- New Evidence: Spring Fragment (McLadden's Trailer Dustpan)
Examine the broom

Go to "Vegas Motorcycle"
Examine the ground to find tread marks
Enter the shop
Talk to the woman
Ask "Are you the owner here?"
- New Suspect: Leslie Handleman"
Ask "Do you know the stuntman?"
Ask "Have you serviced Ace's bike recently?"
Ask "Do you know anythinga bout the stunt show?"
Ask "Can we look around?"
Examine the glass counter
Use the Fingerprint Powder on the counter
- New Evidence: Counter Fingerprint (Vegas Motorcycle)
Return outside and examine the tread marks
Use the Electrostatic Dust Print Lifter on the tread
- New Evidence: Tire Tread (Vegas Motorcycle)

Go to "Draffler Promotions Office"
Talk to the man
Ask "Are you the producer of the stunt show?"
Ask "What do you know about the accident?"
Ask "Can we look around your office?"
Ask "Are you going to fire Stunt Director McLadden?"
Examine the door's handle
Use the Fingerprint Powder on the handle
- New Evidence: Doorway Prints (Draffler Promotions Office)
Examine the wall near the watertank
Use the Swab on the stain
- New Evidence: Dark Stain Sample (Draffler Promotions Office)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Coffee Cup Print (Coffee Cup From McLadden's Trailer)" to Greg
Show the "Counter Fingerprint (Vegas Motorcycle)" to Greg
Show the "Tire Tread (Vegas Motorcycle)" to Greg
Show the "Doorway Prints (Draffler Promotions Office)" to Greg
Show the "Dark Stain Sample (Draffler Promotions Office)" to Greg
Show the "Styrofoam Coffee Cup (McLadden's Trailer)" to Greg
Show the "Wire Stripping Tool (McLadden's Trailer)" to Greg
Show the "Smashed Video Tape (McLadden's Trailer)" to Greg
- New Evidence: Image 1 (Smashed Video Tape)
- New Evidence: Image 2 (Smashed Video Tape)
- New Evidence: Image 3 (Smashed Video Tape)
- New Evidence: Image 4 (Smashed Video Tape)
Show the "Spring Fragment (McLadden's Trailer Dustpan)" to Greg
Double-Click on the "Broken Return Spring (Crashed Motorcycle)"
Drag the "Spring Fragment (McLadden's Trailer Dustpan)" on it
- New Evidence: Assembled Return Spring (Motorcycle/Dustpan)
Show the "Assembled Return Spring (Motorcycle/Dustpan)" to Greg
Double-Click on the "Assembled Return Spring (Motorcycle/Dustpan)"
Use the Magnifying Scope on the spring
Show the "Assembled Return Spring (Motorcycle/Dustpan)" to Greg
Use the computer
Select "Finger Prints"
Select the "Coffee Cup Fingerprints" and do a Search
Select the "Counter Fingerprint" and do a Search
Compare it with the fingerprint of "Muzotti, Cory" and confirm the match
Select the "Doorway Fingerprint" and do a Search
Compare it with the "Engine Fingerprint" and confirm the match
Compare it with the "Coffee Cup Fingerprints" and confirm the match
Compare the "Engine Fingerprint" with the "Coffee Cup Fingerprints"
Select "Tire Treads"
Do a search on the "Garage Tiretread"
Compare it with the "Product Code: 91321" and confirm the match
Compare the "Motorcycle Tread" and the "Garage Tiretread"
Use the Microscope
Examine the 4 images under the Microscrope

Go to "Casino Stunt Site"
Ask "Why did you have the video tape in your trailer?"
Ask "Were you recently at Cory Muzotti's office?"

Go to "Draffler Promotions Office"
Ask "Why was David McLadden in your office recently?"
Ask "Were you at Vegas Motorcycle recently?"
Ask "Why did we find your prints at Vegas Motorcycle?"

Go to "Vegas Motorcycle"
Ask "Why did we find Ace's bike treads outside your shop?"

Go to "St. Anthony's Hospital"
Ask "Why did you visit Vegas Motorcycle recently?"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant for Draffler Promotions Office

Go to "Draffler Promotions Office"
Say "We have a warrant to search your office"
Examine the desk
Use the Gloves on the letter
- New Evidence: Threatening Letter (Draffler Promotions Office)
Examine the computer
Examine the outgoing messages to find an encrypted message
- New Evidence: Data Disk (Draffler Promotions Office)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Data Disk (Draffler Promotions Office)" to Greg
Use the computer
Select "Search Links/Special"
Do a search on the "Encrypted E-Mail Disk"

Go to "Draffler Promotions Office"
Ask "Did you send the Komawa e-mail to Leslie Handleman?"

Go to "Vegas Motorcycle"
Ask "Do you know anyone else from the crew of the show?"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant for Vegas Motorcycle

Go to "Vegas Motorcycle"
Say "We have a warrant to search around your shop"
Examine the back of the counter
Examine the lottery ticket
Use the Gloves on the ticket
- New Evidence: Lottery Ticket (Vegas Motorcycle)
Examine the envelope
Use the Ninhydrin on the envelope
- New Evidence: Envelope Fingerprint (Vegas Motorcycle)
Use the Gloves on the envelope
- New Evidence: Envelope (Vegas Motorcycle)
Use the computer
Examine the incoming mail folder and read the message
Examine the top of the drawers
Use the Gloves on the receipts
- New Evidence: Receipts (Vegas Motorcycle)
Examine the shelves
Use the Fingerprint Powder on the Kamawa
- New Evidence: Komawa Tool Fingerprint (Komawa Tool)
Use the Gloves on the Kamawa
- New Evidence: Komawa Tool (Vegas Motorcycle)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Lottery Ticket (Vegas Motorcycle)" to Greg
Show the "Komawa Tool" to Greg
Show the "Wire Stripping Tool (McLadden's Trailer)" to Greg
Show the "Envelope Fingerprint (Vegas Motorcycle)" to Greg
Show the "Komawa Tool Fingerprint (Komawa Tool)" to Greg
Use the computer
Select "Finger Prints"
Do a search on the "Envelope Fingerprint"
Compare it to "Muzotti, Cory" and confirm it
Compare it to the "Counter Fingerprint" and confirm it
Do a search on the "Komawa Tool Fingerprint"

Go to "St. Anthony's Hospital"
Ask "Why were you getting free service from Vegas Motorcycle?"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant for Leslie Handleman
Ask "What is your relationship with Cory Muzotti?"
Ask "What is the cash in the envelope for?"
Ask "Why did Cory Muzotti give you that money?"
Ask "Why were you giving Ace free service?"
Ask "Can we take your fingerprints?"
- New Evidence: Fingerprint (Leslie Handleman)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Fingerprint (Leslie Handleman)" to Greg
Use the computer
Select "Finger Prints"
Compare the "Leslie's Fingerprints" and the "Komawa Tool Fingerprint"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant for Leslie Handleman
Ask "Did you sabotage the bike with the Komawa tool?"
- Movie: A wild spring break

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant for David McLadden
Ask "Why did you have the video tape in your tailer?"
Ask "Were you recently at Cory Muzotti's office?"
Ask "Were you involved in the sabotage of Ace's motorcycle?"
Ask "Why did you destroy the tape?"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant for Cory Muzotti
Ask "Did you hire Leslie Handleman to sabotage Ace's bike?"
Ask "Why did you give Leslie Handleman an envelope of cash?"
Ask "Did you ask David McLadden to tamper with the accident scene?"
- Final Movie

Observational Challenge - Case 1

How many individual images were recovered from the damaged beta tape?
- 4
How many plants are visible in the Draffer Promotions office?
- 2
How many police vehicles are visible at the crime scene?
- 3
How much money was spent on the lottery ticket?
What color was the handle of the Komawa tool?
- Green
What color was the handle of the tool recovered from the stunt director's
- Red
What is printed on the back of the police truck at the crash scene?
- Forensics
What is the name of the casino that the stunt takes place at?
- The Mediterranean
What is the numeric address of Vegas Motorcycle?
- 493
What were the denominations of the visible bills in the envelope at Vegas
- 50's & 100's
Where was the second piece of throttle spring found?
- Dustpan
Which of the following injuries did the stuntman not occur?
- Bruised liver
Who wrote the threatening letter to the producer?
- Jackson Barkley
Why was there a chemical substance under the truck at stunt scene?
- It would allow the bike to slide under the truck

Case 2: Prints and Pauper

Go to "Morgue"
- New Victim: Homeless Victim
- New Evidence: Victim's DNA (Autopsy)
Ask "Can you determine the time of death?"
Ask "What kind of alcohol was used?"
Ask "Can we look at the body?"
Examine the pants near the right hand
Use the Swab on the stain
- Movie: Vomit analyzed on the pants stain
- New Evidence: Pants Stain (Victim's Paint Leg)
Examine the left hand
Examine the stomach area
Examine the chest
Examine the bruises on the left shoulder

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Victim's DNA (Autopsy)" to Greg
Show the "Pants Stain (Victim's Paint Leg)" to Greg
- Movie: Ulcer forming in the stomach
Use the computer
Select DNA
Do a search on the "Pants Stain DNA"
Do a search on the "Victim's DNA"
Compare the "Pants Stain DNA" and the "Victim's DNA"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask "Where was the body found?"
- New Location: Abandonned Asylum
Ask "What restaurant serves white French truffles?"
- New Location: Le Figaro

Go to "Abandonned Asylum"
Examine the blood stains on the left side of the floor
Examine the floor twice to reveal a hidden spot
Use the Tweezers on the Larva
- New Evidence: Blowfly Larva (Asylum)
Examine the footprint on the right side of the room
Use the Adhesive Lifter on the foorprint
- New Evidence: Muddy Footprint (Asylum)
Examine the liquid on the right side of the room
Use the Swab on the liquid
- New Evidence: Liquid Sample (Asylum Floor)
Examine the paint above the liquid
Use the Swab on the paint
- New Evidence: Spraypaint Sample (Asylum Wall)
Examine the table in the back
Use the Fingerprint Powder on the glass
- New Evidence: Fingerprint Fragment (Pointed Glass)
Use the Gloves on the glass
- New Evidence: Pointed Glass Fragmnet (Asylum)
Examine the floor behind Warrick
Use the Fingerprint Powder on the glass
- New Evidence: Fingerprint Fragment (Straight Glass)
Use the Gloves on the glass
- New Evidence: Straight Glass Fragmnet (Asylum)
Double-Click on the "Pointed Glass Fragment (Asylum)"
Combine it with the "Straight Glass Fragment (Asylum)"
- New Evidence: Assembled Bottle Fragments (Asylum)
Double-Click on the "Fingerprint Fragment (Pointed Glass)"
Combine it with the "Fingerprint Fragment (Straight Glass)"
- New Evidence: Partial Fingerprint (Assembled Bottle Print Fragment)
Walk toward the doorway
Examine the footprints on the floor
Use the Electrostatic Dust Print Lifter on the footprint
- New Evidence: Dusty Footprint (Asylum)
Go through the doorway to find a wheelchair
- Movie: Victim is dumped in the Asylum
Examine the wheelchair's handles
Use the Fingerprint Powder on the handle
- New Evidence: Fingerprint (Asylum Wheelchair)
Examine the seatback of the wheelchair
Use the Ultraviolet (UV) Light on the letters
Examine the bar just under where you got the fingerprint on the wheelchair
Use the Mikrosil on the code
- New Evidence: Serial Number Impression (Asylum Wheelchair)

Go to "Le Figaro"
- New Suspect: Marcus Hellen
Ask "Who have you served French truffles to?"
Ask "Do homeless people hang out in your alley?"
Ask "Do you remember seeing the victim in your alley?"
Ask "Can you give us the names of people who ordered the truffle special?"
Go to the alley
Examine the drumpster
Examine the transaction record on the top of a box
Use the Gloves on the receipt
- New Evidence: Truffle, Asparagus Receipt (Dumpster)
Examine the transaction record near the left side
Use the Gloves on the receipt
- New Evidence: Truffle, Eggplant Receipt (Dumpster)
Examine the transaction record near the top area
Use the Gloves on the receipt
- New Evidence: Truffle, Baked Alaska Receipt (Dumpster)
Examine the leftover on the top-right side of the dumpster
Use the Magnifying Score on the meat
Use the Adhesive Speciment Mount on the powder on the meat
- New Evidence: Powdery Substance (Discarded Food)
Use the Gloves on the meat
- New Evidence: Discarded Food (Alley Dumpster)
Examine the top of the fence
Use the Tweezers on the cloth piece
- New Evidence: Snagged Cloth Fragment (Alley)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Muddy Footprint (Asylum)" to Greg
Show the "Liquid Sample (Asylum Floor)" to Greg
Show the "Spraypaint Sample (Asylum Wall)" to Greg
Show the "Partial Fingerprint (Assembled Bottle Print Fragment)" to Greg
Show the "Dusty Footprint (Asylum)" to Greg
Show the "Fingerprint (Asylum Wheelchair)" to Greg
Show the "Powdery Substance (Discarded Food)" to Greg
Show the "Truffle, Asparagus Receipt (Dumpster)" to Greg
Show the "Truffle, Eggplant Receipt (Dumpster)" to Greg
Show the "Truffle, Baked Alaska Receipt (Dumpster)" to Greg
Show the "Blowfly Larva (Asylum)" to Greg
Show the "Assembled Bottle Fragments (Asylum)" to Greg
Show the "Serial Number Impression (Asylum Wheelchair)" to Greg
Show the "Discarded Food (Alley Dumpster)" to Greg
Show the "Snagged Cloth Fragment (Alley)" to Greg
Use the Microscope
Examine the "Blowfly From Asylum"
Confirm it with the "Blowfly @ 28 hours"
Use the Computer
Select "Finger Prints"
Search for the "Handlebar Fingerprint"
Select "Show Prints"
Search for the "Dusty Footprint"
Search for the "Muddy Footprint"
Compare it with the "Product Code: 5923"
Select "DNA"
Search for the "Bloody Cloth DNA"

Go to "Morgue"
Ask "Were there any traces of blowflies in the body?"
Ask "Any traces of diphacinone rat poison in the body?"
- Movie: Poison passes throught the bloodstream

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask "Who does the graffiti and muddy shoeprint implicate?"
- New location: Hangout
Ask "Can you trace Grace Memorial wheelchair number SN-21003?"
Ask for "a warrant to obtain the credit card number from the restaurant

Go to "Le Figaro"
Ask "Can you give us the credit card number from the asparagus omelet
- New Evidence: Credit Card Slip (Given By Restaurant Owner)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Credit Card Slip (Given By Restaurant Owner)" to Greg
Use the Computer
Select "Search Links/Special"
Do a search for "Credit Card Info"
- New Location: North Meadows Condo

Go to "Hangout"
Examine the notepad on the table
Use the Gloves on the paper
- New Evidence: Page of Paper (Hideout)
Examine the table with the Spray Paint
Use the Fingerprint Powder on the can
- New Evidence: Partial Fingerprint (Spray Can)
Double-Click on the "Partial Fingerprint (Assembled Bottle Print Fragment)"
Combine it with the "Partial Fingerprint (Spray Can)"
- New Evidence: Combined Fingerprint (Asylum and Gang Hangout)
Use the Gloves on the Spray Can
- New Evidence: Spray Can (Hideout)
Examine the poll table
Examine the ashtray
Use the Tweezers on the cigarette
- New Evidence: Cigarette Butt (Hideout)

Go to "North Meadows Condo"
Ask "Is this the Thomas residence?"
- New Suspect: Clair Thomas
Ask "How did your father die?"
Ask "Are you staying here?"
Ask "Can we look around inside?"
Ask "Have you purchased anything with your father's credit card recently?"
Ask "Did you dine at Le Figaro restaurant recently?"
Ask "Who did you dine with?"
Ask "What did you both order?"

Go to "Le Figaro"
Ask "Do you remember Clair Thomas?"
Ask "Did you know J.J. Thomas?"

Go to "Morgue"
Ask "How tall was the victim?"

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Combined Fingerprint (Asylum and Gang Hangout)" to Greg
Show the "Page of Paper (Hideout)" to Greg
- New Location: Pawn Shop
Show the "Spray Can (Hideout)" to Greg
Show the "Cigarette Butt (Hideout)" to Greg
Use the Computer
Select "Finger Prints"
Do a search on "Assembled Fingerprint"
Compare it with "Jackson, Lane"
- New Suspect: Suspicious Thug
Select "DNA"
Do a search on "Hangout Cigarette DNA"

Go to "Pawn Shop"
Examine the sign on the door
Examine the cigarette on the floor
Use the Tweezers on the cigarette
- New Evidence: Cigarette Butt (Pawn Shop)
Examine the trash bin on the right
Use the Gloves on the notepad paper
- New Evidence: Crumpled Note (Pawn Shop)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Cigarette Butt (Pawn Shop)" to Greg
Show the "Crumpled Note (Pawn Shop)" to Greg
Use the Computer
Select "DNA"
Di a search on "Pawn Shop Cigraette DNA"
Compare it with the "Hangout Cigarette DNA"

Go to "Pawn Shop"
Look at the right of the trash bin
Use the Gloves to pick up the ring
- New Evidence: Ring (Pawn Shop)
Examine the jacket
Use the Magnifying Scope on the hair
Use the Tweezers to pick up the hair
- New Evidence: Sample of Hair (Jacket)
Use the Gloves to pick up the jacket
- New Evidence: Jacket (Pawn Shop)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Sample of Hair (Jacket)" to Greg
- Movie: Analyzing the Hair Sample
Show the "Ring (Pawn Shop)" to Greg
Show the "Jacket (Pawn Shop)" to Greg
Use the Microscope
Do a search on the "Jacket Hair"
Compare it with the "Singapura Cat" and confirm

Go to "Morgue"
Ask "What size was the victim's ring finger?"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask "Any local owners or breeders of Singapura cats?"

Go to "North Meadows Condo"
Ask "Did your father own a Singapura cat?"

Go to "Pawn Shop"
Talk to the man
Ask "What's your name?"
Ask "Are you Lane Jackson?"
Ask "Are you a member of the Bluddy Corps?"
Ask "Did you throw this ring away?"
Ask "Did you throw this jacket?"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant for North Meadows Condo

Go to "North Meadows Condo"
Say "We have a warrant to around inside"
Look at the box on the couch
Examine the painting above the fireplace
Use the Magnifying Scope on the tie
Examine the fireplace
Examine the larva on the right side inside the fireplace
Use the Tweezers to pick up the larva
- New Evidence: Larva (Condo Fireplace)
Examine the document in between the woods
Use the Tweezers to pick it up
- New Evidence: Burned Pages of Paper (Condo Fireplace)
Examine the cat travel box
Use the Tweezers to pick up some hair
- New Evidence: Cat Hair (Condo)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Cat Hair (Condo)" to Greg
Show the "Burned Pages of Paper (Condo Fireplace)" to Greg
Show the "Larva (Condo Fireplace)" to Greg
Use the Microscope
Do a search for the "Condo Hair"
Compare it with the "Singapura Cat"
Compare the "Condo Hair" with the "Jacket Hair"
Use the Computer
Do a search on the "Fireplace Larva DNA"
Compare it with the "Victim's DNA"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant for the Restaurant Owner
Ask "Do you go into the alley often?"
Ask "Did you put the razor wire up?"
Ask "Is it possible for a homeless guy died in your alley?"
Ask "Do you use poison to keep homeless people out of your alley?"
- Movie: Food in dumpster is poisoned
Ask "Can we take a DNA sample?"
- New Evidence: DNA Sample (Markus van der Hellen)
Ask "Can we take your fingerprints?"
- New Evidence: Fingerprints (Markus van der Hellen)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "DNA Sample (Markus van der Hellen)" to Greg
Show the "Fingerprints (Markus van der Hellen)" to Greg
Use the Computer
Select "Finger Prints"
Compare the "Markus' Fingerprints" with the "Handlebar Fingerprint"
Select "DNA"
Compare "Markus' DNA" with "Pants Stain DNA"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant for Clair Thomas
Ask "Were you recently at the abandoned asylum?"
Ask "Where is your father's wheelchair?"
Ask "Can we take a DNA sample?"
- New Evidence: DNA Sample (Clair Thomas)
Ask "Can we take your fingerprints?"
- New Evidence: Fingerprints (Clair Thomas)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "DNA Sample (Clair Thomas)" to Greg
Show the "Fingerprints (Clair Thomas)" to Greg
Use the Computer
Select "Finger Prints"
Compare the "Clair's Fingerprints" with the "Handlebar Fingerprint"
Select "DNA"
Compare "Clair's DNA" with "Fireplace Larva DNA"
Compare "Clair's DNA" with "Pants Stain DNA"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant for Clair Thomas
Ask "Why have you been lying to us?"
Ask "Did you use your father's wheelchair to dump the body?"
Ask "Is this victim in the missing persons report?"
- Movie: Final Movie

Observational Challenge - Case 2

During an autopsy, what do fatty deposits on the liver usually mean?
- The person was a heavy drinker
How much does a bottle of Leroy Bank's Premium Vodka cost?
What color shirt was restaurant owner wearing in interrogation?
- White
What is the name of Markus' restaurant?
- Le Figaro
What was a dessert listed on one of the recovered restaurant receipts?
- Baked Alaska
What was the approximate time of the victim's death by the blowfy larva
- 28 Hours
What was the blood alcohol level of the homeless victim?
- 0.50
What was the credit limit on J.J. Thomas' credit card?
- ,000
What was the rare breed of J.J. Thomas' cat?
- Singapura
What was the victim's ring finger size?
- 5
What was written on the neon sign at the pawn shop window?
- Open 24 Hours
Which ward of the asylum was the victim's body found?
- Ward B

Case 3: Diggin' It

Available Location: Dig Site

Go to "Dig Site"
Talk to the man
Ask "Are you the owner of this property?"
Ask "How long have you owned this land?"
- New Suspect: Elliot Lansdown
Ask "Why did you wait so long to develop it?"
Ask "Who did you buy the land from?"
Ask "Who has had contact with the human remains?"
Ask "Do you mind if we looked around?"
Walk to the digging hole
Examine the ground left of the skeleton
Use the Adhesive Specimen Mount on the dark area
- New Evidence: Soil Sample (Construction Site)
Examine the arm of the skeleton
Use the Brush to clean the wrist
Examine the head
Examine the mouth
Examine the right eye
Use the Tweezers to pick up the fragments
- New Evidence: Glass from Skull (Construction Site)
Examine the tree near the light
Examine the nest
Examine the ground near the tree
Examine the tire impression
Use the Casting Plaster and Frame on the tire impression
- New Evidence: Dried tire tread (Construction Site)
Examine the ground just north of the tire impression
Use the Gloves to pick up the object
- New Evidence: Arrowhead Artifact (Construction Site)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Soil Sample (Construction Site)" to Greg
- Movie: Buried corpse decaying
Show the "Dried tire tread (Construction Site)" to Greg
Show the "Glass from Skull (Construction Site)" to Greg
Show the "Arrowhead Artifact (Construction Site)" to Greg
Use the Microscope
Examine the "Shard of Glass (Victim's Skull)"
Use the Computer
Select "Tire Treads"
Do a search on the "Dried Tire Tread (Construction Site)"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask "What can you tell us about the history of the construction site?"
Ask "Can you call an archaeologist to the construction site?"

Go to "Dig Site"
Talk to the other man
Ask "Who are you?"
- New Suspect: John Montana
Ask "What can you tell us about the arrowhead?"
Ask "What can you tell us about this site?"
Ask "Have you visited this site before?"
Ask "Could this site be staged to look historic?"
Talk to Elliot
Ask "Was the property ever evaluated for historical significance?"
Ask "Do you have a copy of the inspection report?"
Ask "Was there anything of interest within the grounds when you first started
the cleanup of the site?"
Examine the box near John
Examine the baseball bat
Use the Magnifying Scope on the bat
Use the Ultraviolet (UV) Light on the bat
Examine the top edge of the bat
Use the Tweezers to pick up the glasses
- New Evidence: Speck of Glass (Construction Site)
Use the Gloves to pick up the baseball bat
- New Evidence: Burnt Baseball Bat (Construction Site)
Examine the watch
Use the Gloves to pick up the watch
- New Evidence: Damaged Wrist Watch (Construction Site)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Speck of Glass (Construction Site)" to Greg
Show the "Burnt Baseball Bat (Construction Site)" to Greg
- Movie: Destroying the evidence
Show the "Damaged Wrist Watch (Construction Site)" to Greg
Use the Microscope
View the "Glass Shard (Baseball Bat)"
Compare it with the "Shard of Glass (Victim's Skull)"

Go to "Morgue"
Ask "Can you recover the body from the scene?"
Ask "What was the cause of death?"
- Movie: Damage to the cranial cavity
Ask "What can you tell us about the victim?"
Ask "Can you determine the time of death?"
Ask "Can DNA be extracted from the remains?"
- New Evidence: Victim DNA (Victim/Morgue)
Ask "Are there any identifying features?"
- New Evidence: Sinus X-ray (Victim/Morgue)
Ask "Can we use dental records for comparison?"
Ask "Could the nick around the eye socket be from a pair of glasses?"
- Movie: Blunt force trauma
Ask "Can we examine the remains?"
Examine the right hand
Use the Magnifying Scope on the 2sd finger
Use the Tweezers to pick up fiber
- New Evidence: Dirty Fiber (Victim)
Examine the head
Examine the mouth
Examine the eye socket

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Victim DNA (Victim/Morgue)" to Greg
Show the "Dirty Fiber (Victim)" to Greg
Show the "Sinus X-ray (Victim/Morgue)" to Greg
Use the Microscope
Examine the "Finger Fiber (Victim)"
Use the Computer
Select "DNA"
Do a search on the "Victim's DNA"
Select "Search Links/Special"
Do a search on the "Sinus X-ray (Victim)"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask "Any new information on our case?"
- New Suspect: Madama Lazora
- New Location: Psychic Parlor
Ask "Can you pull the ownership records of the property for the past few years?"
- New Suspect: Adam Kilborn
Ask "Can you find previous land owner Adam Kilborn's address?"
- New Location: Vista Court

Go to "Psychic Parlor"
Talk to the woman
Ask "What do you know about our investigation?"
Ask "Did you know the victim?"
Ask "Can you tell us more about the victim?"
Ask "Do you mind if we have a look around?"
Examine the shelf
Examine the crystal ball
Examine the carpet
Use the Tweezers on the fiber
- New Evidence: Carpet Fiber (Psychic Parlor)

Go to "Vista Court"
Talk to the man
Ask "Did you once own the casino construction property?"
Ask "Were you aware of any historical significance on your former property?"
Ask "Was there ever any foul play on your property?"
Ask "How did you lose your money?"
Ask "Do you mind if we look around?"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask "Can you look into Adam Kilborn's past?"
Ask "Can you look into how Adam Kilborn lost his fortune?"
Ask for a warrant for the Vista Court

Go to "Vista Court"
Examine the statue on the floor
Use the Luminol on the statue
Use the Gloves on the statue
- New Evidence: Chinese Statue (Kilborn's Home)
Examine the boxes
Examine the paper on the box
Use the Gloves to pick up the paper
- New Evidence: Rejection Letter (Kilborn's Home)
Examine the desk with the computer
Examine the tape
Use the Gloves to pick up the tape
- New Evidence: Computer Datatape (Kilborn's Home)
Examine the shelves
Use the Gloves to pick up the artifact
- New Evidence: Hand Axe (Kilborn's Home)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Carpet Fiber (Psychic Parlor)" to Greg
Show the "Rejection Letter (Kilborn's Home)" to Greg
Show the "Chinese Statue (Kilborn's Home)" to Greg
Show the "Computer Datatape (Kilborn's Home)" to Greg
Show the "Hand Axe (Kilborn's Home)" to Greg
Use the Computer
Select "DNA"
Do a search on "Blood from Statue (Kilborn's Apartment)"
Select "Search Links/Special"
Do a search on "Computer Data Type (Kilborn's Home)"
- New Evidence: Report Photo (Recovered From Datatape)
Do a search on "Rejection Letter"
Use the Microscope
Examine the "Carpet Fiber (Psychic Parlor)"
Examine the "Report Photograph"

Go to "Morgue"
Ask "Could the Chinese statue have been used to kill the victim?"

Go to "Psychic Parlor"
Ask "What do you know about the land assessment report?"
Ask "Do you know anything about soap carvings?"
Ask "Did you burn evidence relating to the killing?"
Ask "Do you know the name Dale Edison?"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask "Could Dale Edison be related to Eddie Sloan?"

Go to "Dig Site"
Talk to John
Ask "Did you author the land assessment study?"
Ask "How do you explain this report?"
Ask "What students and researchers worked on the report?"
Ask "You claim that you've never been to this site before?"
Ask "Where is your trailer office?"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant for Adam Kilborn
Ask "Why do you have so many crates of soap at your home?"
Ask "Do you know who Dale Edison is?"
Ask "Did you lie about knowing your property was historic Paiute land?"
Ask "Why is there blood on your statue?"
- New Evidence: Adam Kilborn DNA (Interrogation)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Adam Kilborn DNA (Interrogation)" to Greg
Use the Computer
Select "DNA"
Do a search on "Adam Kilborn's DNA"
Compare it with the "Blood from Statue (Kilborn's Apartment)"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant for the Trailer Office

Go to "Archaeologists Trailer"
Examine the tires
Use the Adhesive Lifter on the tires
- New Evidence: Trailer Office Tread (Montana's Trailer)
Examine the top area of the trailer near the window
Use the Swab on the substance
- New Evidence: Dried Substance (Montana's Trailer Roof)
Enter the trailer
Examine the cabinet
Examine the carpet
Use the Tweezers to pick up the fibers
- New Evidence: Old Carpet Fiber (Montana's Trailer)
- New Evidence: New Carpet Fiber (Montana's Trailer)
Examine the shovel
Use the Swab on the blood
- New Evidence: Shovel Blood (Shovel in Montana's Trailer)
Examine the wall near the cabinet
Use Luminol on the wall
Use the Swab on the blood stain
- New Evidence: Trailer Wall Blood (Montana's Trailer)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Trailer Office Tread (Montana's Trailer)" to Greg
Show the "Dried Substance (Montana's Trailer Roof)" to Greg
Show the "Old Carpet Fiber (Montana's Trailer)" to Greg
Show the "New Carpet Fiber (Montana's Trailer)" to Greg
Show the "Shovel Blood (Shovel in Montana's Trailer)" to Greg
Show the "Trailer Wall Blood (Montana's Trailer)" to Greg
Use the Microscope
View the "New Carpet Fiber (Trailer)"
View the "Old Carpet Fiber (Trailer)"
Compare it with the "Finger Fiber (Victim)"
Use the Computer
Select "Tire Treads"
Do a search on "Trailer Office Tread"
Compare it with "Product Code: 85208"
Compare it with "Dried Tire Tread (Construction Site)"
Select "DNA"
Do a search on the "Trailer Wall Blood (Montana's Trailer)"
Compare it with the "Victim's DNA"

Go to "Dig Site"
Talk to John
Ask "Were you involved with Soap Sculptures of America?"
Examine the tree
Use the Gloves to pick up the nest
- New Evidence: Bird Nest (Construction Site)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Bird Nest (Construction Site)" to Greg

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant of John Montana
Ask "Did you kill Freddy and bury him at the historic site?"
Ask "Did you purposefully falsify the land assessment report?"
Ask "When did you learn Freddy was running the soap scam?"
- Movie: Montana buries the body?
Ask "Why was the victim's blood in your trailer?"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant for Adam Kilborn
Ask "Did you give your trailer to John Montana?"
- Movie: Kilborn hatches his plan
Ask "Are you referring to Madame Stella Lazora?"

Observational Challenge - Case 3

Adam Kilborn claimed he has not had a woman in his life for how long?
- 3 years
How many portable toilets were visible at the dig site?
- 1
How much financing did Elliot Lansdown says he needed to build his casino?
- 0 million
What time was showing on the watch?
- 12:10
What was the diopter value of the victim's prescription glasses?
- 2.35
What was the brand name of the lighter fluid found in Lazora's edn?
- NOT: Burn-Fast
What was the brand of the watch worn by John Montana?
- Rolston Precision Classic
Where did John Montana keep his trailer?
- The university
Where was the victim's blood stain in John Montana's trailer found?
- Over the sink
Who was the registered owner of Soap Sculptures of America?
- Dale Edison

Case 4: Miss Direction

Available Location: Colossus Theater

Go to "Colossus Theater"
Talk to the woman
- New Suspect: Heather Colby
Ask "What happened here?"
Ask "How well did you know Meryl?"
Ask "Was there anyone else in the theater during the rehearsal?"
- New Suspect: Gus Harrison
Ask "Where can I find Gus the technical director?"
- New Location: Prop Room
Talk to the man in front of the scene
- New Suspect: Clayton Regis
Ask "How long have you been married?"
Ask "Where were you when the shooting took place?"
Ask "Who has your wife had contact with lately?"
Ask "Have you ever met Gus the technical director?"
Examine the body
Examine the body's chest area
Examine the center wound
Use the Swab on the blood
- New Evidence: Blood (Meryl Regis)
Examine the wound above the heart
Use the Tweezers to pick up the squib
- New Evidence: Squib Prop (Victim's Chest)
Examine the head
Use the Ultraviolet (UV) Light on her face
Examine the bed table
- Movie: Was the prop gun loaded?
Examine the gun
Use the Swab on the gun edge
- New Evidence: Prop Gun Barrel Powder (Colossus Theather Prop Table)
Use the Gloves on the gun
- New Evidence: Prop Gun (Colossus Theater Prop Table)
Examine the mark on the ground near the woman
Talk to the woman
Ask "Where were you standing?"

Go to "Prop Room"
Examine the floor near the water machine
Use the Swab on the water
- New Evidence: Water Puddle (Prop Room)
Examine the locker
Examine the pictures in the locker
Use the Gloves on the photo
- New Evidence: Photos (Prop Room Locker)
Examine the shoes in the locker
Use the Gloves to pick up the shoes
- New Evidence: Cross Trainer Shoes (Prop Room Locker)
Examine the working desk
Examine the bottom bullets box
Use the Gloves on a bullet
- New Evidence: Blank Round (Prop Room)
Examine the top bullets box
Examine the bottom edge of the box
Use the Ninhydrin on the box
- New Evidence: Fingerprint (Box in Prop Room)
Examine the top tools shelf
Examine the rifle rack on the right side of the room

Go to "Morgue"
Ask "Can you recover the body for us?"
Ask "What was the cause of death?"
- Movie: Bullet fragments enter the chest
Ask "Can you determine the time of death?"
Ask "Were you able to recover anything from the wounds?"
- New Evidence: Bullet Fragments (Morgue)
Ask "Did you notice anything else out of the ordinary?"

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Blood (Meryl Regis)" to Greg
Show the "Prop Gun Barrel Powder (Colossus Theather Prop Table)" to Greg
Show the "Water Puddle (Prop Room)" to Greg
Show the "Fingerprint (Box in Prop Room)" to Greg
Show the "Photos (Prop Room Locker)" to Greg
Show the "Squib Prop (Victim's Chest)" to Greg
- Movie: Detonating a squib
Show the "Prop Gun (Colossus Theater Prop Table)" to Greg
Show the "Cross Trainer Shoes (Prop Room Locker)" to Greg
Show the "Blank Round (Prop Room)" to Greg
Show the "Bullet Fragments (Morgue)" to Greg
Use the Microscope
View the "Photo of Victim"
Use the Computer
Select "Finger Prints"
Do a search on "Prop Room Print"
Select "Shoe Prints"
Do a search on "Cross Trainer Shoe Print"
Compare it with "Product Code: 28541"
Select "DNA"
Do a search on "Meryl's Blood DNA"
Select "Search Links/Special"
Do a search on "Water System Sample"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask "Can you confirm Clayton was at Java Net n' Brew recently?"

Go to "Colossus Theater"
Talk to the woman
Ask "Did you have any grudge against the victim?"
Ask "Did you shoot Meryl with the prop gun?"
- Movie: Aiming away from Meryl

Go to "Prop Room"
Examine the top bullets box
Use Gloves to pick up a bullet
- New Evidence: Prop Rounds (Prop Room)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Prop Rounds (Prop Room)" to Greg
Double-Click on the "Bullet Fragments (Morgue)"
Use the Magnifying Scope on the marks
Show the "Bullet Fragments (Morgue)" to Greg

Go to "Morgue"
Ask "Can we look at the body?"
Examine the center wound
Use the Mikrosil on the wound
- New Evidence: Impression Entry Wound (Morgue)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Impression Entry Wound (Morgue)" to Greg

Go to "Colossus Theater"
Examine the dummy
Turn on the device
Examine the orchestra pit
Examine the chair with a device
Use the Fingerprint Powder on the device
- New Evidence: Detonator Fingerprint (Colossus Theater)
Use the Gloves to pick up the detonator
- New Evidence: Detonator (Colossus Orchestra Pit)
Talk to the woman
Ask "Was there anyone in the orchestra pit?"

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Detonator Fingerprint (Colossus Theater)" to Greg
Show the "Detonator (Colossus Orchestra Pit)" to Greg
Use the Computer
Select "Finger Prints"
Do a search on the "Detonator Fingerprint"
Compare it with the "Harrison, Gus" fingerprint

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant of Gus Harrison
Ask "What do you do around the theater?"
Ask "How well did you know Meryl Regis?"
Ask "Why were your prints on the eletronic transmitter?"
Ask "Where were you when the prop gun was fired?"
Ask "Why do you have prop bullets in your area?"
Ask "Why did you have photos of the victim?"
Ask "Where is the rifle that's missing from the prop room?"
Ask "Have you recently pried a bullet out of a prop cartridge?"
- Movie: Shooting from the orchestra pit
- New Evidence: Multipurpose Tool (Gus' Pocket)
Ask "What other proof do you have that you didn't kill Meryl?"
- Movie: Meryl speaks from the stage
Ask "Who do you think killed Meryl?"
Ask "is the photo from the prop room of Heather and Meryl's argument?"

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Multipurpose Tool (Gus' Pocket)" to Greg

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask "Can you find the address of Heather Colby?"
- New Location: Colby Home
Ask "Can you find the address for Meryl and Clayton Regis?"
- New Location: Regis Home

Go to "Colby Home"
Talk to the woman
Ask "Can you tell us about your argument with Meryl before the rehearsal?"
Ask "May we look around?"

Go to "Regis Home"
Talk to the man
Ask "May we look around your home?"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant for Heather Colby's Home

Go to "Colby Home"
Talk to the woman
Say that we have a warrant to look around your home
Examine the diploma
Examine the table
Use the Ninhydrin on the letter
- New Evidence: Fingerprints (Threatening Letter)
Use the Gloves to pick up the letter
- New Evidence: Threatening Letter (Colby Home)
Examine the floor near the sofa
Use the Ultraviolet (UV) Light on the panties
Use the Gloves to pick up the panties
- New Evidence: Panties (Colby Home)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Fingerprints (Threatening Letter)" to Greg
Show the "Threatening Letter (Colby Home)" to Greg
Show the "Panties (Colby Home)" to Greg
Use the Computer
Select "Finger Prints"
Do a search on the "Threatening Letter Prints"
Compare it with the "Prop Room Print"
Select "DNA"
Do a search on the "Panties DNA"
Compare it with the "Meryl's Blood DNA"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask "Can you find out if Clayton Regis has a university degree?"
Ask for a warrant for "Heather Colby"
Ask "Were you having an affair with Meryl?"
Ask "Did you write the threatening letter?"
Ask "Can we take your fingerprints?"
- New Evidence: Fingerprints (Heather Colby)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Fingerprints (Heather Colby)" to Greg

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant for Regis Home

Go to "Regis Home"
Talk to the man
Ask "Why was your wife spending time at Heather's home?"
Ask "How did Meryl get the black eye?"
Ask "Did you send a threatening letter to Heather?"
Say "We have a warrant to look around your home"
Examine the shoes
Use the Gloves to pick up the shoes
- New Evidence: Size 10 Loafers (Regis Home)
Examine the shelf above the shoes
Examine the sink
Examine the soap
Use the Gloves to pick up the soap
- New Evidence: Bar of Soap with Holes Drilled into it (Regis Home)
Examine the thermos
Use the Gloves to pick up the thermos
- New Evidence: Drink Thermos (Regis Home)
Open the kitchen drawer
Use the Gloves to pick up the pliers
- New Evidence: Pliers Tool (Regis Home)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Size 10 Loafers (Regis Home)" to Greg
Show the "Bar of Soap with Holes Drilled into it (Regis Home)" to Greg
Show the "Drink Thermos (Regis Home)" to Greg
Show the "Pliers Tool (Regis Home)" to Greg
Use the Computer
Select "Shoe Prints"
Do a search on the "Brown Shoes Print"
Compare it with "Product Code: 14149"
Select "Search Links/Special"
Do a search on the "Thermos Water Sample"

Go to "Colossus Theater"
Examine the dummy
Turn on the device
Go to the balcony
Examine the right shoe prints
Use the Eletrostatic Dust Print Lifter on the prints
- New Evidence: Loafer Shoe Print (Colossus Theather Balcony)
Examine the left shoe prints
Use the Eletrostatic Dust Print Lifter on the prints
- New Evidence: Sneaker Shoe Print (Colossus Theather Balcony)
Examine the balcony ramp
Use the Adhesive Specimen Mount on the powder
- New Evidence: Balcony Dark Powder (Colossus Theather Balcony)
Examine the right chair
Use the Swab on the stain
- New Evidence: Balcony Water Stain (Colossus Theather Balcony)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Loafer Shoe Print (Colossus Theather Balcony)" to Greg
Show the "Sneaker Shoe Print (Colossus Theather Balcony)" to Greg
Show the "Balcony Dark Powder (Colossus Theather Balcony)" to Greg
Show the "Balcony Water Stain (Colossus Theather Balcony)" to Greg
Use the Computer
Select "Shoe Prints"
Do a search on the "Shoe Print"
Compare it with the "Product Code: 14149"
Compare it with the "Brown Shoes Print"
Do a search on the "Sneaker Print"
Compare it with the "Product Code: 28541"
Compare it with the "Cross Trainer Shoe Print"
Select "Search Links/Special"
Do a search on the "Balcony Water Stain"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant for Gus Harrison
Ask "Do you own the running shoes from the prop room?"
Ask "Do you own Bruno Pagli loafers?"
Ask "Did you see a water stain in the balcony?"

Go to "Regis Home"
Talk to the man
Ask "Were you in the upper balcony recently?"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant for Clayton Regis
Ask "Why did you lie about being in the upper balcony?"
Ask "Can we take your fingerprints?"
- New Evidence: Fingerprints (Clayton Regis)

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Fingerprints (Clayton Regis)" to Greg
Use the Computer
Select "Finger Prints"
Do a search on "Clayton's Prints"
Compare it with the "Prop Room Print"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask for a warrant for Clayton Regis
Ask "Would you like to give us your confession now?"
- Movie: Final Movie

Observational Challenge - Case 4

How many actor tape marks were on the stage?
- 2
How many photos are in the prop room locker?
- 3
In which city did Heather and Meryl go to acting school?
- New York
What color were the chairs in the orchestra pit?
- Red with yellow seats
What color were the jogging shoes in the prop room?
- White with blue stripe
What is on the coffee table in the Colby home?
- Fruit bowl
What other shoes were visible on the shoe rack in the Regis home?
- Brown snakeskin pumps
What was the name of the song Heather sings in the production?
- Covering My Tracks
Which of the following is not a substance identified in the water samples
- Carbonite

Case 5: Dragon and Dropping

Available Location: Cirque des Lezards

Go to "Cirque des Lezards"
Talk to the man
- New Victim: Arnold Ziegler
Ask "Was anyone here that might have seen something?"
- New Suspect: Ernie Rowntree
Ask "Can you tell us how to get a hold of Ernie Rowntree?"
Ask "Why would anyone steal a dragon?"
Ask "Did you see anything suspicious?"
- New Suspect: Victor Kaufman
- New Location: Funeral Home
Ask "Where were you last night?"
Examine the cage
Examine the blood near the rocks
Examine the toe in the blood
- Movie: The dragon emerges
Use the Gloves to pick up the toe
- New Evidence: Human Toe (Komodo Dragon Cage)
Examine the left side of the cage
Take a closer look at the wood
Use the Magnifying Scope on the wood
Use the Tweezers on the hair
- New Evidence: Small Hair (Piece of Driftwood)
Use the Gloves on the wood
- New Evidence: Driftwood (Circle Grounds)
Examine the tracks outside of the cage
Use the Casting Plaster and Frame on the tracks
- New Evidence: Narrow Tread Marks (Cirque Grounds)
Examine the cactus
Take a closer look on the right side of the cactus
Use the Tweezers on the vinyl
- New Evidence: Vinyl Flake (Cactus at Cirque Grounds)
Examine the cobra's cage
Talk to the man
Ask "What do you know about the toe we found?"
Ask "What can you tell us about the driftwood?"

Go to "Funeral Home"
Talk to the man
Ask "Where were you yesterday evening?"
Ask "Did you do anything else last night?"
Ask "Have you seen Ernie Rowntree recently?"
Ask "Were you near the show grounds last night?"
Ask "Did you see anything out of the ordinary last night?"
Examine the coffins

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Small Hair (Piece of Driftwood)" to Greg
- Movie: Head struck from blunt object
- New Evidence: DNA (Hair From Diftwood)
Show the "Narrow Tread Marks (Cirque Grounds)" to Greg
Show the "Vinyl Flake (Cactus at Cirque Grounds)" to Greg
Show the "Human Toe (Komodo Dragon Cage)" to Greg
- New Evidence: DNA (Human Toe)
Show the "Driftwood (Circle Grounds)" to Greg
Use the Microscope
View the "Driftwood Hair"
View the "Cactus Vinyl Flake"
Use the Computer
Select "Finger Prints"
Do a search on the "Human Toe Print"
Compaire it with "Petrenko, Domenic"
- Movie: A charred remains of a foot
- New Victim: Domenic Petrenko
Select "Tire Treads"
Do a search on the "Narrow Tread Marks"
Select "DNA"
Do a search on the "Driftwood Hair DNA"
Do a search on the "Human Toe DNA"

Go to "Funeral Home"
Talk to the man
Ask "Did you see a shorter man in his early 40's during your walk?"
Ask "Can you describe the van you saw?"

Go to "Brass' Office"
Ask "Can you do a background check on Domenic Petrenko?"
Ask "Can you get us the address of Red Curtain Imports?"
- New Location: Red Curtain Imports
Ask "Can you get us the address of Dr. Julius Rivelli's office?"
- New Location: Dr Julius Rivelli's Office

Go to "Red Curtain Imports"
Examine the aquarium near Grissom
Examine the cage to the right of Grissom
Open the cage
Examine the head of the Komodo
Examine the cart
Use the Eletrostatic Dus

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