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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dark Forces PC Game Cheats

LAPOSTAL All weapons and ammo added
LARANDY Weapons super charge; temporary
LAIMLAME Invincibility toggle (you can still die by falling)
LAUNLOCK Inventory added; keys, ir goggles, ice cleats etc.
LACDS Map mode toggle
LAREDLITE Pondering toggle; freeze all of your enemies
LANTFH Teleport to point on map, hard code to get work.
LAPOGO Height check toggle; scale walls in a single bound!
LASKIP Force completion of current mission
LADATA Display x,y,z coordinates
LABUG Insect mode toggle; ?? lets you get up close to walls

LASECBASE warp to mission #1
LATALAY warp to mission #2
LASEWERS warp to mission #3
LATESTBASE warp to mission #4
LAGROMAS warp to mission #5
LADTENTION warp to mission #6
LARAMSHED warp to mission #7
LAROBOTICS warp to mission # 8
LANARSHADA warp to mission #9
LAJABSHIP warp to mission #10
LAIMPCITY warp to mission #11
LAFUELSTAT warp to mission #12
LAEXECUTOR warp to mission #13
LAARC warp to mission #14

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