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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dead Man's Hand PC Game Cheats

Shooting mini-game:
In the level where the boss is playing an old phonograph, find the three hidden
watermelons. They are found in the following locations: just before going down to
the wall of adobe buildings on the left; hidden in a deep gully; and on top of the
mountains. Shoot all three of them to play a shooting gallery mini-game.

Hidden runestone:
Start the level where you have to go to the log mill to kill the "Twins". Enter one of
the rooms in the three gin distilleries at the start of the level that has a "table"
constructed from a wood plank laying across barrels. Use dynamite to blows up
one of the walls in that room to find a hidden area. Inside is a glowing purple

Cheat mode:
Press [Esc] during game play to display the pause menu. Then, press ~ to display
the console command prompt, which will be a bright line with an input prompt
below the menu. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding
cheat function for the current level. Note: You will not be able to see what you are
typing. Also, you must re-enter the cheats for each level as they get reset.

Effect - Code:
God mode - god
All weapons - allweapons
Maximum ammunition - allammo
All weapons and ammunition - loaded
Flight mode - fly
Disable flight and no clipping - walk
No clipping - ghost
Stay underwater without damage - amphibious
Teleport to area currently looked at - teleport
Scale player size - changesize (number)
Restore default player size - changesize *
Set player speed - setspeed (number)
Set maximum jump height - setjumpz
Set gravity - setgravity (number)
Set slow motion factor - slomo n
Set camera to behind view - viewself
Camera and pawn not rotated together when "True" - freecamera (true or false)
Toggle invisibility - invisible (true or false)
Possess a pawn of indicated class - avatar (class name)
Summon requested class - summon (class name)
Kill all pawns andenemies - killpawns

Another hidden runestone:
There's another hidden runestone in the chapel in the cemetery level. Go into the
back room and again: Shoot the wall beside the leaning table to open a secret

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