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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Descent: Freespace 2 PC Game Cheats

Cheat Codes:
While playing a game, type "" to enable cheat mode. If you entered the code correctly, the message "Cheats activated" will appear. Then, hold ~ and type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enabling cheat codes will prevent mission advancement. The infinite weapons code however can be used without penalty in campaign mode. Simply enable the code in single mission mode. Quit the single mission and resume a campaign mode game.

Send message to enemies C
Toggle countermeasure availability for all ships [Shift] + C
Kill selected target K
Destroy targeted subsystem [Shift] + K
10% damage to ship [Alt] + K
10% damage to target [Alt] + [Shift] + K
Invincibility I
Toggle invincibility for target [Shift] + I
Toggle Descent-style physics O
Infinite weapons for all ships [Shift] + W
Infinite weapons for only your ship W
All primary goals complete G
All secondary goals complete [Shift] + G
All bonus goals complete [Alt] + G
Scroll forward through secondary weapons 9
Scroll backward through secondary weapons [Shift] + 9
Scroll forward through primary weapons 0
Scroll backward through secondary weapons [Shift] + 0
Rearm request for target R

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