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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Diablo 2 PC Game Cheats

Getting Stuff Back Instantly From Corpse:
If you die and can't get back to your body, simply save and exit the game, then load your game and your body should be in the town. All your gold may not appear ( this obviously depends on whether you were carrying any ), it may still be lying near where you died.

Good weapons:
the code is about to how to get good weapons

Necromancers Weapon

To attain Necromancers ultimate weapon the STROKE OF DEATH please do the following:

Summon one of each of the golems
Cast a bone spirit
Then die.
After you respawn, type in the phrase: THEDARKMUSTFEED Look in your inventory and you will have the Stroke of Death

Secret Cow Level:
After Beating the game on all the modes ( Normal,Hard,Hell) Combine wirts leg with a tome of I dentity that is full in the horidric cube and it will be empty. Then a portal will appear next to you. Now you have to be in the Rouge Encampment.

Extra Soulstone:
To get an extra "Mephisto's soulstone" do the following:

1.Kill Mephisto in act 3.

2.Pick up his soulstone.

3.Go to the river of flame in act 4.

4.Kill "Hephasto the armorer".

5.Pick up the hellforge hammer.

7.Place "Mephisto's soulstone" on the hellforge WITHOUT HAVING IDENTIFIED THE HELLFORGE HAMMER!

8.Make a town portal.

9.Have Cain to identify the hellforge hammer.

10. You will now have an extra "Mephisto's soulstone" in your inventory though the original one will still be on the hellforge.

Info submitted by Fourth prime evil on Sunday, October 8, 2000 at 08:02:11

Play in a Window:
Although not documented, you may run Diablo 2 in a Window instead of full-screen. Simply add "-w" to your Diablo 2 shortcut.
(ie: "C:\Diablo 2\Diablo II.exe" -w)

Wizzards´s POWER WORDs about DIABLO II:
One of the most-awaited computer-games ever is Diablo II. After my Power-Words about Dungeon Keeper 1+2, Pax Imperia and Birth of the Federation it is now time for good power tips for Diablo II.

Here is an Ice Sorceress Skill Tree I recommend:
Beldandy the Ice Goddess
Class: Sorceress, Level: 50
Clvl 1 Slvl 0: Starting Level
Clvl 2 Slvl 1: Frozen Armor
Clvl 3 Slvl 1: Ice Bolt
Clvl 4 Slvl 1: Warmth
Clvl 5 Reserved For Later
Clvl 6 Slvl 1: Ice Blast
Reserved Slvl 1: Static Field
Clvl 7 Slvl 2: Warmth
Clvl 8 Slvl 2: Static Field
Clvl 9 Slvl 3: Static Field
Clvl 10 Slvl 4: Static Field
Clvl 11 Slvl 3: Warmth
Clvl 12 Slvl 1: Shiver Armor
Clvl 13 Slvl 2: Shiver Armor
Clvl 14 Slvl 3: Shiver Armor
Clvl 15 Slvl 4: Shiver Armor
Clvl 16 Slvl 1: Frost Nova
Clvl 17 Slvl 4: Warmth
Clvl 18 Slvl 1: Glacier Spike
Clvl 19 Slvl 5: Shiver Armor
Clvl 20 Slvl 5: Warmth
Clvl 21 Slvl 6: Warmth
Clvl 22 Slvl 7: Warmth
Clvl 23 Reserved For Later
Clvl 24 Slvl 1: Blizzard
Clvl 25 Slvl 2: Blizzard
Clvl 26 Slvl 3: Blizzard
Clvl 27 Slvl 4: Blizzard
Clvl 28 Slvl 5: Blizzard
Clvl 29 Slvl 6: Blizzard
Clvl 30 Slvl 1: Frozen Orb
Reserved Slvl 1: Cold Mastery
Clvl 31 Slvl 2: Frozen Orb
Clvl 32 Slvl 3: Frozen Orb
Clvl 33 Slvl 4: Frozen Orb
Clvl 34 Slvl 2: Cold Mastery
Clvl 35 Slvl 3: Cold Mastery
Clvl 36 Slvl 4: Cold Mastery
Clvl 37 Slvl 5: Frozen Orb
Clvl 38 Slvl 6: Frozen Orb
Clvl 39 Slvl 7: Frozen Orb
Clvl 40 Slvl 5: Cold Mastery
Clvl 41 Slvl 6: Cold Mastery
Clvl 42 Slvl 7: Cold Mastery
Clvl 43 Slvl 7: Blizzard
Clvl 44 Slvl 8: Frozen Orb
Clvl 45 Slvl 9: Frozen Orb
Clvl 46 Slvl 10: Frozen Orb
Clvl 47 Slvl 11: Frozen Orb
Clvl 48 Slvl 12: Frozen Orb
Clvl 49 Slvl 13: Frozen Orb
Clvl 50 Slvl 14: Frozen Orb
ALL Quest skill-points into Warmth, from Level 30 into Frozen Orb

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