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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dino Crisis 2 PC Game Cheats

When dealing with the first Allosaurus on your way to the facility when you are first using Regina, purchase the Flamethrower and go to the ledge that leads nowhere towards the west. Every time it approaches you, burn it. This way, it can be killed easily and you will get a large No Damage bonus.

Blue raptors:
When playing as Dylan buy the electric weapon for 18,000 points. When you encounter the blue raptors, fry them with about five shots.When you kill the raptor you get 7,000 points. When playing as Regina, use the Rocket Pod Launcher which will require ten shots. Note: Buy the gold card -- it doubles all points.

Buying characters:
The following characters and dinosaurs can be purchased for use in the Coliseum or Dino Duel.

Counter a sudden rear attack:
To counter a sudden attack from behind, instead of pressing [Turn Around], just press [Aim] while auto aim is on. This will save time.

When killing Raptors with Dylan's Shotgun, you can save ammo by waiting for the Raptor to jump up in the air towards you. When it is in midair, blast it away. This move only consumes one bullet instead of the standard two or three.

Dino Coliseum:
Successfully complete the game once. The Dino Coliseum allows you can fight against all of the dinosaurs from in the game in a coliseum arena.

Extra Dino Duel dinosaurs:
Purchase Rick, Gail and the Tank for the "Extra Crisis" games. Another set of dinosaurs will appear at the character selection screen for purchase.

Get the third Energy Key Card early:
Before leaving the jungle, you can retrieve the card from the shallow stream. This way you will not have to make a return trip after finding out that it is needed.

Make Ultra Raptors appear:
Make a combo with at least 20 hits. Exit the area. Enter an area where Raptors usually appear, such as the Jungle. You will instead be greeted by two Ultra Raptors.

Saving money:
Instead of buying the best Recoveries, buy the Hemo Pack and the Small Med Pack. This will save money. When you have enough money, buy the Armor. It will stop the bleeding.

Triceratops and Compsagnathus:
Purchase all the other characters and dinosaurs for the Dino Coliseum and Dino Duel. The Triceratops and the Compsagnathus will be unlocked in hard mode.

Twin submachine guns:
Instead of investing in the heavy machine gun, purchase the Twin Submachine Guns, and upgrade its amount of ammo. It is more convenient than the Heavy Machine Gun because of its dual target capability. When using submachine guns, do not hold the button down. Only use one shot at a time to do more damage and save ammunition.

Unlimited ammunition:
Successfully complete the game after collecting all eleven Dino files. The EPS Platinum card will appear at the save game screen. Unlimited ammunition will be available the next time the game is played.

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