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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Driver PC Game Cheats

Get Hidden City:
Get a hidden city by finishing the game one time

High Score Name Cheats:
Put the following names in the high score box to get the following cheat

NJW280172 - Fast Cars
WAC271074 - No Cops
RUS3L - Invincible
TMR300866 - Show credits
ANJW16696 - Be wanted by cops

Hacks (DEMO of Driver Only):
Hacking Code

Go into your Driver Demo Directory, and then go into the
scripts/missions/ There should be a file by the name of
"Mission661.dms" (make a backup of this file before making changes):

Edit that file. Inside you'll find when cops appear,
your damage, the time, and you can also change how your car looks.

Unlimited damage:
Take out the following lines:

MaxPlayerDamage 24576 file://( 0 ->4096*6 is range)

Unlimited time:
Take out the following lines:

DebugInfo 1:
Countdown 70 file://UK 60 seconds USA 70 seconds

Change the weather:
Add any combination of these in a space following
the "FelonyBarId 195" line:

Snowing (doesn't seem to do anything, but loads
as a valid argument)

Change your car:
Replace the "0" (zero) in "PlayerCarType 0" to one
of the following numbers:
0 - Original Car
1 - Crew Cab Pickup
2 - "Luxury"/Pimp Coupe
3 - Sports Coupe
4 - Camaro? (Fast)
5 - Toronado
6 - Nova?
7 - Cadillac Sedan
8 - Bonneville?
9 - Chevelle?
10 - L.A.P.D. Caprice Cruiser (Horn activates
lights and siren)
11 - Cadillac? Coupe
12 - Firebird/Camaro Z28
13 - Taxi
14 - Cadillac Sedan
15 - Error - Do not use
16 - Jaguar (CrazyFast: 170+)
17 - '55 Thunderbird (CrazyFast)

Disable the "Lose The Tail" mission:
Delete or comment out the following lines (Note: These
are scattered throughout the file, with important stuff
in-between, so don't just delete everything!):

SetMaximumCops 0
Cop_Respawn 65000

Cops_Immortal 0

//SpawnCops 1, 3067, 45609, 441019
AddCivCar 9,0,1,0,3067, 45609, 441019

ForceFelonyRating 1

InformPlayerById 5,103

Set Objective 2

MustBeHidden 1 //Must arrive at drop off point without a tail
NeedToLoseTail 1
OuterRadius 1000000


InformPlayerById 5,3
wait 2

Disabling the Lose The Tail will enable "prowling" cops.
Set the number of cops you wish to have chasing you by
changing the number in the line "SetMaximumCops 1" (I
find three is a pretty good number), or disable cops by
changing "Cops_on" to "Cops_off".

You can also add the line: "CopWipeOutDamage 7000" to
set the amount of damage it takes to destroy a Cop
Cruiser (If this line is not present, it takes about
one solid head-on crash to destroy a cop).

About Exploding Crates:
It's possible to drive a pick-up truck with an explosive crate in all the Take A Ride-missions.
Just add the following lines to the mission-script:

PlayerCarType 4
OpponentBar "KaBoom"
FailedMessage "KaBoom"

I added a zip-file containing the text-file with all the scripts explained and my 4 maps.

Skip Training Mode:
Find the file DRIVER\DATA\MLADDER.DML and back it up. Now use notepad or any text editor to remove the lines INTERVIEW & QUITONFAIL from this file. Save it back to the directory and you now do not have to pass training to go to the missions

Choose Cities:
This is kinda what you do for the skip traing mission. You do the same thing except you click at the very top where it says [MIAMI] all you have to do is delete miami and put in [SF] or [NY] and you can drive around in New York or San Francisco its pretty cool try it

Choose Your Car:
Finish the game once and get to choose your car when you take a ride

Bomb-Transport (Driver Demo):
Put the following lines into your mission.661 file

PlayerCarType 4
OpponentBar "KaBOOM"
FailedMessage "KaBOOM"

this will give you a pickup (With the performance of the camaro)with a box on the rear
The box will blow up if you drive too rough

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