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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Earthsiege 2 PC Game Cheats

Warning-This makes your game prone to crash and could cause all instant action games to crash. Backup before proceeding.

First, start the game with the following command line parameter(s):


Then enter the following cheats during game play:
[ALT]+[left] or [right]or [up] or [down] = WARP IN THIS DIRECTION: Left, Right, Forward, or Back.
[ALT]+[CTRL]+[N] = Nuke one or any nearby Mechs.
[ALT]+[L] or [] (NOT SURE WHICH) = Listen to Cockpit Announcements
[ALT] + <> = Play warnings and announcements
[ALT] + [CTRL] + S = show herc textures
[ALT] + S = Toggle enemy AI
[ALT] + [+ on Keypad] = Go 1 frame forward when AI disabled

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