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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Elder Scrolls 4, The: Oblivion PC Game Cheats

Cheat mode:
Press ~ during game play to display the console window:

Result - Code:
Spawn indicated item - additem [item number]
Get indicated spell - addspell [spell number]
Force a level up - advlevel
Force skill level up - advskill [skill]
Complete all quest stages- caqs
Teleport3 - coc [destination name]
Set all quest stages - completeallqueststages
Set hair color - hairtint [red] [green] [blue]
List console commands - help
Kill selected NPC target; suicide if nothing is targeted - kill
Moves to current quest target - movetoquesttarget
Spawn indicated item - player.additem [item code] 1
Add 100 lockpicks - player.additem 0000000a "100"
Add 100 skeleton keys - player.additem 0000000b "100"
Add 100 repair hammers - player.additem 0000000c "100"
Add 100 gold - player.additem 0000000f "100"
Teleport - player.coc [destination name]
Set player level - player.setlevel [1-255]
Give all spells to player - psb
Quit game immediately - qqq
Save game - savegame [filename]
Set fog start and end depths - setfog [start] [end]
Change your gender - sexchange
Change your birthsign - showbirthsignmenu
Show sign selection screen - showbirthsignmenu
Change your class - showclassmenu
Show class selection screen - showclassmenu
Show quest log - showquestlog
Show current quest log - showquestlog 0
Show completed quest log - showquestlog 1
Show current quest targets - showquesttargets
Show name/race/appearance selection screen - showracemenu
Toggle NPC conversation subtitles - showsubtitle
Window with the full game scene graph - ssg
Toggle AI - tai
Toggle combat AI - tcai
Toggle no clipping - tcl
Toggle AI detection - tdetect
Toggle debug display - tdt
Free camera movement - tfc
Toggle full help - tfh
Toggle grass - tg
God mode, if nothing is targeted - tgm
Toggle land - tll
Toggle leaves - tlv
Toggle menus - tm
Toggle fog of war - togglefogofwar
All map locations shown - togglemapmarkers
Toggle sky - ts
Toggle trees - tt
Toggle wireframe - twf
Toggle water - tws
Unlock selected locked door or container - unlock

Infinite Money:
In the early stages of the main quest, go on horse to the female Orc waiting ouside Kvatch. Try and sell her your equipped weapon and it will say "Cannot Unequip this weapon." However, you will be given the gold as if you sold it. You can constantly do this for unlimited gold.

Sigil Stone Picker:
The gates generate a random plane of oblivion along with a random sigil stone. Go through the tower all the way to the top, till you reach the sigil stone. Simply save the game before the stone spawns and you can re-randomize the stone by re-loading the game, if it's not to your liking.

Mercantile Increase:
You can raise most other skills without trouble, except perhaps, for Mercantile. Go to the tents in Kvatch. Equip any weapon and get on horseback. Once this is done, talk to the Orc woman with corn rows and sell the weapon to her. Your weapon will not be sold but you will get 200 gold every time you attempt this. It raises the mercantile skill while you make money.

Free Iorn Arrows:
Go to the arena in the Imperial city and watch the blue team archer shoot arrows. Half the time you can go in there, the arrows the archers shoots will be there and you can simply take them without being labelled a thief. Naturally, you may want to save before attempting this.

Bug For DB Quest:
In the quest where you kill adamus philius (or what ever his name is) later after you finish it you can go back to the desk get the finger then put it in again, it will give you a quest update (MUST HAVE FINISHED IT FIRST) then go back to ocheeva and get as much money as you want be doing it again and again and again. i got up to over 1 million by doing it.

Free Lockpicks:
Save your game by a door. Auto lockpick the door until it opens. Right before the door opens, hit [Escape] and load the save game. The game will load with you inside the door with all the lockpicks you had before lockpicking and any items from that save.

Get Print Screen:
In the INI file, Change bAllowScreenShot=0 in INI file to bAllowScreenShot=1

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