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Monday, November 16, 2009

Fallout 3 (Survival Edition) PC Game Cheats

Pull up the cheats console during play; hit the tilde (~) key.

Input addspecialpoints X - Get Special Points (X = amount)
Input addtagskills X - Get Tag Skill Points (X = amount)
Input advlevel - Level up
Input GetQuestCompleted - Finish current quest
Input getXPfornextlevel - Up one level
Input help - Display all console commands
Input modpca Y X - S.P.E.C.I.A.L. (Y = stat type, X = amount)
Input modpcs Y X - Add to your skills (Y = stat type, X = amount)
Input player.setlevel X - Player level (X = level)
Input player.additem 000000F X - Get caps (X = amount)
Input removefromallfactions - Remove player from all factions
Input rewardKarma X - Get Karma Points (X = amount)
Input setpccanusepowerarmor X - On/Off Power Armor use (X = 0 or 1)
Input setspecialpoints X - Special Points (X = amount)
Input settagskills X - Tag Skill Points (X = amount)
Input tcl - No clipping mode
Input tmm1 - All mapmarkers
Input tdt - Toggle debug display
Input tlv - Toggle leaves
Input tgm - God mode

To survey the area around you for foes you missed, hit the VATS button repeatedly as you make your character spin.

Continuous Hacking:
You have 4 attempts to hack successfully. Try 3 times, bail out, then try again; repeat this process.

More Space:
When running out of inventory space, find a companion character to help you.

Behemoth Locations:
Can be located in: Evergreen Mills, Galaxy News Radio, Jury Station, Takoma Industrial, and The Capitol Building.

Locating Dogmeat:
Go to the Scrapyard, northeast from Megaton, over the river, where you'll find the dog.

Unlimited Good Karma in Megaton:
Go to Megaton, where you'll find the church for the Children of the Atom. Go to the priest who is by the bomb or in their building. Give him donations, and you’ll get karma.

Increasing Your Experience:
Set the game's difficulty to Very Hard; next, hack the computer or do some lock picking. These actions will give you more experience points.

Stowing Goods on Dead Bodies:
Place your own goods onto a corpse and get them later.

Infinite Mutant Karma:
Go to Big Town at night; The town will be attacked from a Super Mutant raiding party; slay each Super Mutant to acquire more karma.

Get Fawkes Super Sledge:
When you first meet Fawkes, trade equipment with him to get the sledge.

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