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Monday, November 16, 2009

Fatal Racing PC Game Cheats

Enter any of these codes on the main configuration as the player name to enable the cheat/feature...

LOVEBUN -Secret Car:
2X4B523P -Secret Car
FORMULA 1 -Access Second Cars
SUPERMAN -Destruction Mode
DR DEATH -Invincible Human Cars
GOLDBOY -Premier Cup
CUP WON -See End Sequence
I WON -See Race Win
ROLL EM -See Credits
DUEL -Killer Opponent
TOPTUNES -Alternative Sounds
Enter No Name -Black & White Mode
CINEMA -Widescreen Mode
REMOVE -Remove cheats
TACHYONS -Speed up the game to a stupid rate
YOTARACE -Double size track
FREAKY -Wild colors

Gateway shortcut:
On "Gateway" track, there is a special hole between two walls, just before the loop. Turn sharply to the right, aiming for the hole, and you will fly out on the other side of the loop. If you hit the hole at a good angle, this can drastically

change the lap record. However, if you hit the hole at a bad angle, you will land upside down.

Switchback invisible ramp:
On the "Switchback" track, just after the first sharp turn, ram another person onto the wall (or if you are adventurous and far ahead, do this yourself) where, from the top, you can fall off. The other car (or yourself) will fly off and do a mid-air corkscrew of sorts.

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