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Monday, November 16, 2009

Fate, The PC Game Cheats

Cheat mode:
Push and hold ctrl + shift + ~ and the question mark wil come up on the side of the screen.

Note: use the keys on the left of the keyboard.

Result - Code:
100 Fame - fame
5,000 experience points - experience
50,000 gold - gold
Heal character - heal
Level up ten times - god
Ascend indicated levels in dungeon - ascend (number)
Descend indicated levels in dungeon - descend (number)
Gold - Gives you 500,000 pieces of gold
Levelup - Gives you one experience level
God - Gives you ten experience levels and eight to your pet
Heal - Restores all of your health

Creature Name:
Summons a creature near you. Any creature you summon this way will exist as an enemy monster; however, typing “Cat” or “Terrier” will summon a pet

Item Name:
Summons an item near you. This cheat can summon artifacts, but not flawless, superior, or exceptional versions of items

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