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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich PC Game Cheats

Cheat mode:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file
before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "" file in the game folder.
Add the following lines to the file:

Begin game play and press ~ at the database screen to display the console
window. Type one of the following case-sensitive codes to activate the
corresponding cheat function.

Effect / Code
Invincibility for entire party - god()
Disable invincibility - mortal()
Enemies do not move or attack - peace()
Enemies move and attack again - war()
Win current mission - Mission_Win()
Unlock all character powers in current mission - DEBUG_ALLPOWERS=1
Add CP to specified character - Campaign_AddCP('[name]',[number])
Automatically specified character - Campaign_Recruit('[name]')
Unlock specified built-in character's origin - Campaign_UnlockOrigin('[name]')
Set prestige amount - Campaign_AddPrestige([number])

Bonus characters:
Before editing game files, make a back-up copy. Edit the "" file in the game
folder, adding the following lines:

import ff

Character Names:
When entering a character name in a code, it must be all lower-case, with spaces
converted to underscores "_". Also, remove hyphens "-" in names:

El Diablo: 'el_diablo'
Alche-Miss: 'alchemiss'
Mentor: 'mentor'
'iron_ox' or 'ironox''

Hovering objects:
Choose an object that you can pick up. Pick it up stand in an open location. Right
click on the object you are holding and select "Throw". You will see your character
start to throw it, but the object will stay hovering above you. You can move away
from it and it will still hover. Note: This does not work on cars.

Mr. Mechanical's giant robot:
If you get up to defeat Mr. Mechanical's giant robot, you can create a character
with 10,000 or more prestige points.

Multiple canister use:
Surround a canister with all your characters when one is found. Press [Space] to
pause game play. Click on the "Use Canister" command on all your characters.
When game play is resumed, every character will be able to use the canister.

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