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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

G-Nome PC Game Cheats

Battlefield-only display:
Press [Ctrl] + H during game play.

At the Mission computer press ctrl+F1 . Then You can enter one or more of the following codes. All the codes are case sensitive !!! Correct codes will be confirmed by a beep.

Here are the codes:
Redtop Trod - Select all single player missions from the mission Menu.
Half Libel - Activates Teleport key.
Had A Nude On - Activates Invincibility key.
Brass Clue - Activates Amunition Key.
Mother Mourn Us - Changes mountain on mission 1-5 to Mt. Rushmore with programers faces.
Chaste Coed - View the end video sequences.
Rotted Drop - Activates Destroy Target.
Horny Elk Leer - Activates all targets on radar key.
O'Sarge - Gives Seargeant in training missions an Irish accent.
Swiss Throat - Changes Citadel building into 7th level headquarters.
A Mere Fart - ???
A Scramble On - Let's you take screen shots by pressing SHIFT-CTRL-RIGHT CLICK.
Range Goes Gory - All Levels, and lots of other stuff (I don't know exactly what it does)
Dunk It Here - Recording Session Outtakes (I don't know exactly what it does)
Oh No! Less Japan - Activates Ion-Strike Key
In game Control+X for Ion-Strike

In-Game-Keys : CTRL+I - Activates Invinciblity
CTRL+Z - Refills ammo
CTRL+F - Destroy current target
CTRL+B - Teleport Behind Target
CTRL+P - All targets on radar

Level 1:
Begin game play on level 1 under the easy difficulty setting. When you approach the first Merc HAWC, move backwards and eject. Then use your GASHR to eject the pilot, get inside the HAWC and crush him. Destroy the next HAWC to win the level.

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