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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ghost Master PC Game Cheats

Get ghost on first level:
When you go into the first house you will find a ghost near the back of the house on the first floor. get cogjammerand and put him on the radio on the shelf over the vacuum then use the move at the top of his list and the ghost will now be yours to use

After completing house 101 you are presented with two available haunts. Choose Calamytiville as your second haunt.

The reason for this is that you can get the 'arial fitter', Static. His ability to shock every electrical fetter in the same room will allow you to get 'Lucky' from the pinball machine on the other available level when you've finished this level.

How to get hidden character:
To get banzi go to unusual suspects and bind stone wall to the plant in the main lobby and use tremor

How to get people out faster:

Use combinations of ghosts in one area. Such as, Electrical, Water, Inside, and Violence. Get as many ghosts into one area as you can and you will it the mortals with multiple scares and get rid of them quicker.

Haunting tips:
I thought up some tips as i was playing works on house 101 and the 2nd one best

1. first of all gather everyone downstairs
then place a boo at the top set his power on the highest you can and look on the list and go on commands set it so that he will only use them if he sees a mortal

2 put a spider in the room where the stairs come down and set its power so that the swarm
allover a "shivers" in the living room or dining room then place the rest in wherever you think is necessary just only leave them one choice ..... THE DOOR

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