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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Gothic PC Game Cheats

Cheat Codes:
Always make a backup copy before making any changes. Open the file 'gothic.ini' with any text editor, and change 'bbloodDetail' from 1 to 3 for Blood Mode. Also, change test mode from 0 to 1 to activate the ingame cheats:

F2 - Console:
cheat god - God Mode
cheat full - Health

H - Hurt Yourself
K - Vanish in the Ground
Z - Spin Around

F3 - Windows Mode
F4 - Normal Mode
F5 - Immobile Camera
F6 - Mobile Camera
F7 - Cycle Through Game Sections
F8 - Health/Mana Refresh

God Mode and Full Health:
Press "S", then type "Marvin" and press "S" again. If you do this right you will get Marvin in the upper left hand corner. You may now press [F2] to bring up the console. Type (cheat god) for god mode. Type (cheat full) for health.

Cheat mode (alternate):
Note: These codes require the v1.07 patch. Press B (or S in earlier versions of the game) during game play to display the starting menu. Type marvin to enable cheat mode. Press (f2] during game play to display the console window:

Code: Result:
marin - 1000 ore
lichtbringer - Artifact for quest
version - Display game version
cheat god - God mode
harpie - Harpie
cheat full - Heal
hurtswampschark - Hurt shark
cheat kill - Kill target
load game - Load game
load position - Load position
lurker - Lurker
goto camera - Move player to camera location
goto camera - Move to camera locationby easiest route
aigoto waypoint - Move to waypoint by easiest route; always changes
kalomsrecipe - Recipe for Dexter
cheat eat - Restore HP
save - Save Game
print - Screenshot
Set clipping range - set clippingrange <1-3>
set guild - Set guild
Set trueguild - set trueguild
insert (item name) - Spawn indicated item
goto pos - Teleport to the castle
goto waypoint - Teleport to waypoint
goto vob - Teleport to Xardas' tower
autocomplement - Toggle all cheats

God Mode and Full Health:
Press "S", then type "Marvin" and press "S" again. If you do this right you will get Marvin in the upper left hand corner. You may now press [F2] to bring up the console. Type (cheat god) for god mode. Type (cheat full) for health.
Blood mode

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "gothic.ini" file in the game folder. Change the "bloodDetail 1" entry to "bloodDetail 3".
Item names: Miscellaneous

Use one of the following values with the insert code to spawn the indicated object.

itamarrow (arrow)
itambolt (bolt)

Item names: Potions
Use one of the following values with the insert code to spawn the indicated Potion.

Code: Result:
itfo_potion_elixier_egg - Crawler Potion
itfo_potion_elixier - Elixir
itfo_potion_dex_03 - Elixir of Dexterity
itfo_potion_health_03 - Elixir of Healing
itfo_potion_health_perma_03 - Elixir of Life
itfo_potion_mana_03 - Elixir of Magic Energy
itfo_potion_strength_03 - Elixir of Strength
itfo_potion_mana_perma_03 - Elixir of the Spirit
itfo_potion_dex_01 - Essence of Dexterity
itfo_potion_health_01 - Essence of Healing
itfo_potion_health_perma_01 - Essence of Life
itfo_potion_mana_01 - Essence of Magic Energy
itfo_potion_strength_01 - Essence of Strength
itfo_potion_mana_perma_01 - Essence of the Spirit
itfo_potion_dex_02 - Extract of Dexterity
itfo_potion_health_02 - Extract of Healing
itfo_potion_health_perma_02 - Extract of Life
itfo_potion_mana_02 - Extract of Magic Energy
itfo_potion_strength_02 - Extract of Strength
itfo_potion_mana_perma_02 - Extract of the Spirit
itfo_potion_haste_03 - Potion of Haste
itfo_potion_master_01 - Potion of Power
itfo_potion_master_02 - Potion of Supremacy
itfo_potion_haste_01 - Potion of Swiftness
itfo_potion_haste_02 - Potion of Velocity

Stealing armor:

If you take someone's armor and they do not see you, they will not care if you are using it.

Quick swords:
If you are smelting pure ore to make crude swords, repeatedly press "Use" ([Ctrl] + [Cursor Up]). The game forgets to take your sword for it, and gives you up to 10 to 50 times the rate of swords.

Avoid falling damage:
When falling from high places, press [Cursor Right] and you will not get hurt.

If you take over Snaf the chef, you will not see a bunch of stews, ragouts, and food. Snaf only has them when you ask for some, and it spawns.

Easy stats:
In some versions of the game, you can get unlimited strength and dexterity. First, press S then type marvin quickly. Press S again to activate cheat mode, then get the Ring Of Strength or any other rings. Put them on and off. When they are taken off, the effect of the ring should remain.

Easy experience:
Summon one Golem and three Armies Of Darkness, then just wait. The Golem will attack the Army Of Darkness and you will gain the experience. You can then attack it for experience. It will not attack back.

Taking items:
If you have someone drop an item that you want, make sure they do not see you pick it up. You can control someone to have them drop their armor. Then, make them get attacked, or draw attention while you pick up their dropped items.

Castle armory key:
Barthalol has the key to the armory in the castle. You can take control of him and have him drop it.

If you want to pickpocket, sneak behind someone while unarmed. Press [Ctrl] + [Up]. You will have little time, and if they catch you, they run to a guard or an invulnerable NPC.

Weapon code warnings:
If you are not in God mode and you insert someone's weapons, such as Lee's Axe, Innos Rage: Gomez, RedWind: Y'borron, and others, they will attack you. Y'barron has the Pyrokennesis spell, which will freeze your character. When he runs out of mana, he stops and you can walk away. However, you cannot go into the exit menu, to save, etc.

Quick level increase:
Enable cheat mode and enter the "Edit Abilities" screen. Set your level to "0". If you fight an Orc or a Snapper/Biter, you will gain a level very quickly.

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