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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Grand Theft Auto 2 PC Game Cheats

Name Cheats:
Put in the name GOURANGA to enable cheat mode. Now enter one of the following names.

Type these codes in as names:
yakuzadeath - God mode. Also reported as rsjabber or livelong
blastboy - All weapons. Also reported as navarone or forallgt
beefcake - Brutality increases
meatman - Hampsters
iamasucker - All level, all weapons, invulnerable
muchcash - + $500,000. Also reported as coolboy
forallgt - All weapons
bemeall - All towns Also reported as ukgamer
elvis is here - No police. Also reported as losefeds
coolboy - Money
Info submitted by Greg Evans on Sunday, November 7, 1999 at 08:35:47

livelong -Invincibility(Can still be arrested though-reported rsjabber too)
no frills- Debug
tumyfrog - All bonus Levels
cutie1 - 99 lives
hunsrus - Invisible mode
davemoon - Weapons & ammo
schurulz - 2x Damage power up
cocktart - No exploding scores
danisgod - $200,000
mademan - Gang respect
fishflap - Tiny cars
gingerr - 1st 2 cities
iamdavej - $9,999,999
jailbait - Get out of jail free card
arsestar - Keep weapons after arrest
ukgamer - All cities
lasvegas - Elvis clan
godofgta - Get weapons & ammo
gorefest - lots of gore
muchcash - get $500,000
eatsoup - Free shopping
buckfast - More aggressive people
desires - Get Maximum Wanted Level
highfive - Get 5x multiplier Also reported as segarulz
bigscore - Get 10,000,000 points
itsallup - Select Level
wuggles - Show coordinates
no frills - Debug
nekked - Naked people
voltfest - Unlimited Electric Gun
flameon - Unlimited Flame gun

Power Ups for Dumped Cars:
Dump these cars to get the following power ups

Romero Armor
U-Jerk Truck Machine Gun
Michelli Roadster Machine Gun
Big Bug Machine Gun
Bug Machine Gun
Z-Type Silenced Machine Gun
Police Car Cop Bribe
Minx ElectroFingers
Shark Molotov Cocktails
B-Type Invulnerability
Taxi Double Damage
Beamer Flame Thrower
Schmidt Health
Dementia Invisibility
Aniston BD4 Jail Free Card
Miara Rocket Launcher

Level 2 cars:
put under crane and get:

Dump this Car /You Get

Romero Armor
U-Jerk Truck Machine Gun
Michelli Roadster Machine Gun
Big Bug Machine Gun
Bug Machine Gun
Z-Type Silenced Machine Gun
Police Car Cop Bribe
Minx ElectroFingers
Shark Molotov Cocktails
B-Type Invulnerability
Taxi Double Damage
Beamer Flame Thrower
Schmidt Health
Dementia Invisibility
Aniston BD4 Get Out of Jail Free Card
Miara Rocket Launcher
Eddy Machine Gun
Armed Land Roamer Machine Gun
A-Type Fast Reload
Land Roamer Invulnerability
B-Type Invulnerability
Trance-AM Flamethrower
Arachnid Shotgun
Meteor Invulnerability
Hachua Rocket Launcher
T-Rex Electro Gun
Benson Electro Fingers
Panto Grenades
Morton Get Out of Jail Free Card
Spritzer Molotov Cocktails
Special Agent Car Respect!
Furore GT Fast Reload
Maurice Machine Gun
Pickup Health
Stinger Electro Fingers
Jagular XK Electro Gun
Taxi Xpress Double Damage
Rumbler Fast Reload
Jefferson Get Out of Jail Free Card
Bulwark Shotgun

Hex Cheats (Demo Version):
Always backup files before proceeding!

Look in the data folder (Located in Game Folder) for a file called NYC.GCI. You can change these values with a text editor like Notepad

{Cop Car} - [Car Name]
12 {model} - [Model no.]
1 {turbo} - [if car has turbo power 1:enable 0:disable]
60 {value} - [Destroy Value]
0 {pad} - [Unknown]
f14.500 {mass} - [Weight of car]
f1.000 {front drive bias} - [Unknown]
f0.500 {front mass bias} - [weight in the front part of the car]
f2.000 {brake friction} - [how good the brake is]
f0.433 {turn in} - [Unknown]
f0.400 {turn ratio} - [how good the car can turn]
f1.250 {rear end stability} - [how stable the back of the car is]
f0.400 {handbrake slide value} - [how much you will slide]
f0.150 {thrust} - [how much thrust goes into acceleration]
f0.415 {max_speed} - [the max speed the car can reach]
f1.000 {anti strength} - [the cars strength, set to f0.000 for car invincibility]
f0.115 {skid threshhold} - [how much the car skids]
f0.550 {gear1 multiplier} - [Unknown]
f0.680 {gear2 multiplier} - [Unknown]
f1.000 {gear3 multiplier} - [Unknown]
f0.180 {gear2 speed} - [how much speed extra is given in this gear]
f0.290 {gear3 speed} - [how much speed extra is given in this gear]

Lots Of Cash:
To Get $500000 at the beginning of the game enter your name as muchcash at the player selection screen.

Extra Levels:
Find all GTA 2 shields to get new level(s)

Fire Truck Hint:
To get the Fire Truck, blow up a car and hopefully there will be a fire and soon as the fire truck comes, steal it! The Fire Truck has a water cannon that can spray water around. If you have a car starting to catch on fire spray it with a Fire Truck to put it out.

Get rid of Cops:
Go to the territory of whatever gang you are working for, and they will shoot them for you.

Hidden Tank:
In the first area there's a tank kill frenzy. to find it, head as far east as possible. TO find it keep as far east as you can and walk up and down the east side. Once you get it you can keep it even after the kill frenzy. the tank itself is invinceible. there is also a fire truck to be found there too.

Where to find Tanks:
If you wait a the main screen,(the place where is says Play
Quit),Wait there for about 60 seconds and it will show you the way to the tank,Trust me,it works.

Crazy Loonies:
First you find an icecream truck then drive it into the loony base with the music on!
It will make them run around like little school girls.

Guided Tour:
Go to the phone at the beginning of the first level. A ''Schmidt'' car will appear below. Enter it and wait for instructions. After finishing the tour, a machine gun and a GTA2 sign will appear below the church.

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